Separated from the Womb

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¨Liars' anagram is lairs
Man you were never even there
Killed a few feet from the cages
Point blank, you're so courageous
So courageous
All are gone, all but one
No contest, nowhere to run
No more left, only one
This is it, this is the countdown to extinction.¨ the song played over the police cruiser radio.

¨Really Aaron, Countdown to Extinction by Megadeth. I don't think any of us need to be reminded of whatever shit is going on right now, shut that damn thing off.¨ Becki ordered.

Aaron grabbed the volume dial with his thumb and pointer finger and turned it all the way down until nothing could be heard from the radio.

"Why are you here anyway?" asked Aaron.

"I'm looking for my brother Max, he came here a while's back because her heard intel of a major criminal that was trying to spread a virus or something like that." explained Becki.

"Oh shit, hope we can find him, maybe it's connected to all of this hell."

"And why are you here?" asked Becki

"Today's my first day working in this town, but now with this going on, I don't know what's up." answered Aaron.

¨So how long have you been in the force?¨ asked Aaron.

¨Three years and six months.¨ she answered.

¨Nice! Almost nine for me.¨ Aaron told her.

Aaron didn't reply back or make any remark towards what Aaron said, she was too focused on something to the right of the car.

¨Uh,Beck, what is it that you...Oh fuck!¨ said Aaron in shock and fear.

Just up ahead was a pool of those rotting flesh beasts. The pool of them blocked the way forward and covering the streets were wrecked cars and other debris. They looked around, luckily none of those monsters hadn't yet heard the purr of the vehicle. The two dead eyed the hoard, and a sound of screaming entered their eardrums.

¨The fuck is that yelling?¨ asked Becki.

That's when a group of four unidentified people popped up from the debris and hopped up onto a pickup truck. The three were leading the fourth person to the edge of the pickup truck, teasing him by rocking him back and forth. His arms were tied behind his back, what the hell was going on?

¨Noooo! Noooo! You don't have to do this! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fuck up!¨ said the person.

¨That sounds like a guy, and so do the other three from all that yelling from them.¨ whispered Aaron.

This is the last fucking time you fuck up our guns, they jammed and almost me so many of my men killed.

¨Noooo!¨ the restrained man screamed.

The man who seemed like some sort of leader pushed the man off of the hood of the pickup truck and the flesh eaters latched onto him.

Ahhh! No! No! Ahhh! Mommy! Ahhh!

Aaron and Becki watched as the beasts ripped open the mans chest and pulled out his small and large intestine, blood spraying everywhere. One of the beasts dug into the mans left eye socket, scratching off the lens of the eye, before finally latching onto it and pulling it slowly out. The optic nerve was still attached and the flesh eater latched it's around the eye tearing it right out while also taking a piece of his brain with it.

Becki turned to her side and began vomiting.

¨Hey, you good?¨ asked Aaron.

¨Yah, I'm fine.¨ she answered once she finished.

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