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I ran.
I couldn't run any faster than what I was going..they are catching up to me! This can't be happening!
I hit the ground, shoulder first. I have tripped..the screams echo from the rim of the town..looking up I see...a forest! I can lose them in there!
Quickly getting to my feet I sprint into the forest, running and running without a goal or place in mind! They must have quit chasing me...I cannot hear their yells echo any more. The rim of the forest begins to burn..nevermind!
My heart races rapidly. If I don't run I'll die..! I turn to run and suddenly a giant pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.
I shudder in complete isolated fear.
We disappear from the forest and suddenly appear in a dark room.i turn around and he's gone.
"H-hello..?" I stutter as I look around the dimly lit space.
The room is scattered with violet faux-fur rugs and glamorous red velvet couches.
Various Victorian style painting strung up randomly across the walls.
A distant knocking vibrates across the floorboards, I walk towards a door that conceals the knocking.
The door moves slowly ajar, a little creature sits on the floors door frame.
"Wh-what is this monstrosity?!" I stumble back and hit something hard.
I look up and see a tall, pale man glaring down at me.
I quickly turn around and sharply sucking in my breath..standing there is...
I shriek in horror.

He looms over me like a tower.
He has two different coloured eyes..I'm stunned..I've never seen this before...
"I-i..." I muttered. His icy cold glare mixed with a brown stare beckoned down on me. His silence bounces off the walls of the room, violently hurting my eardrums.

"you disturbed my business in the woods. Why were you running from the villagers?"He spoke in a low, painful tone. I look up at him dumbfounded. "They wanted to kill me." I look back down in embarrassment. His fingers glided up to my jawline and snaps my head back to face his.

"And why might that be I wonder?"A smirk climbs its way onto his face. That stupid little grin.I'll wipe it straight off his smug face! I shift my weight awkwardly. I slowly slither my hands up his chest and quickly shoved him away from me. Stumbling back he grabs my arm along with him and...


I've fallen on the floor on top of this man. Now that I get a better look at him I realise who it is

"Grindelwald?!" I quickly get back up and I dash for an exit. Pulling on the door it won't open all of a sudden! There are no windows! Only a locked door and lights! I turn left then right then left then right. This is it, I'm going to die here! He silently got to his feet and slowly strut over to me as I back away up to a wall. A lump in my throat refuses to shift anywhere. I can't speak.

"Join my cause, my child." he places his hand next to my head as his white hair drools over his eyebrows. I push him once again. "Come anywhere near me again ill incinerate you." I attempt the doorknob once again and it was open! CLICK! The doorknobs clicking mechanism shows me an escape. He said nothing, just stood there. I was about to make my escape when I felt a twinge in my chest. Sympathy think it was.it was sympathy it must be, I don't have any other feelings for this man...do I?

Gellert Grindelwald X M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now