Comfort in the Darkness

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{ POE }

Poe was tired.

He had been gone for a week, which wasn't too long compared to some of his other missions, but he was exhausted. He hadn't been able to get much sleep while he was away, and the little he did was full of tossing and turning, proving to be completely unrestful.

The pilot was dreaming of his bed before he had even landed on D'Qar. He needed to sleep. Badly. He had gotten 10 decent hours of sleep in the past seven days; his friends would understand why he didn't have much time to small talk. The second Black One touched down, Poe wandered back to his room, BB-8 brightly chirping behind him. He just about fell onto his door as he punched in the security code to unlock it. BB-8 wheeled through the base of the door in a little hatch Poe had built for him. The pilot smiled as the security box beeped, letting him into his room.

He stumbled forward a few steps before collapsing onto his mattress, sighing with relief. He longed to visit with his friends but knew it would be better to rest up and see them once he had slept a bit. He was almost asleep when someone started calling his name from outside his door. He groaned sleepily as he heard the buttons of his keypad being unlocked.

"Poe? Is that you?" a female voice chirped.

"Yeah, it's me, Jess," Poe mumbled, immediately recognizing his friend's voice. Jessika Pava wandered into his room, rolling her eyes when she saw he was still in bed. For a second, he wondered why he gave her his security code.

"Oh, come on, Poe, everyone's waiting for you!" She crossed her arms as Poe rolled over in an attempt to fall back asleep. "You can sleep later. Come on!" He heard footsteps, and soon she was at the edge of his bed, shaking his shoulder somewhat violently.

"Alright, alright, I'm up," he spat, rolling his eyes. He tried to convince himself to get up, but he didn't really want to. He had almost forgotten how soft a bed really was after sleeping in the cockpit of his X-Wing for days. He tried to sit up, but he already missed the warmth of his bed and plopped back down, sighing.

"Poe," Jess whined, pulling on his arm like a little child. Poe groaned again and tucked his head under his pillow, praying that Jess would understand and leave. Jess was a pilot, too. She had been on missions like this before. She had known this type of exhaustion. Why wouldn't she just go away?

"Poe," Jess snapped angrily, her voice unnaturally lowering. Her breathing began to grow heavier as if she were growling. Confused, he rolled over to look at her, finally emerging from his sleepy state.

"Jess, what the hell, I said I was-" Poe was cut off by a hand squeezing against his throat. He gasped for air, struggling against the firm grasp. He opened his eyes, staring back at the black metal mask of Kylo Ren. Memories flashed in Poe's mind of the last time he had seen his attacker, in an interrogation room on Starkiller base, screaming while something dug inside of his head and violently plucked through his memories. The pilot gasped as Kylo released him, throwing his body down on his bed, his head colliding with the wall behind it. Kylo stretched out his hand towards Poe's head and quickly entered it, creating the same nauseous feeling he had experienced before. Kylo barged through his head painfully, ripping thoughts and memories apart, eliciting short screams from Poe. Frantic, he shouted names, praying someone would hear him.

"Jess! BB-8! Rey! Finn!" he breathed heavily, wincing painfully as his attacker laughed sickly. He groaned and panted heavily, trying to push him out.

"They're gone," Kylo snarled, tightening his hold on the pilot's mind. Poe shrieked again, his voice echoing through his room. "I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead." Kylo paused and briefly loosened his grip, slowly pulling out of his mind. "Now it's your turn." With that, he charged, hard and powerful, straight into Poe's head. Kylo knew it would hurt; he wanted it to.

Comfort in the Darkness | Poe Dameron x Finn (StormPilot)Where stories live. Discover now