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Y/n's pov.

Jeremy, michael, the tree bros and i all head downstairs to eat, we're greeted by rich and jake laughing on the couch, likely both unknowingly flirting with eachother, i stop infront of the bottom step and sigh.

I'm not one to fantasise about my future love life, but seeing things like this really make me wonder about if i'll end up with someone im happy with, if i'll really meet someone who i'm willing to spend my entire life with. Its unlikely.

"come on, lets go cook." jeremy sighs out, reaching the bottom of the steps, my head snaps towards him and i nod, following him into my kitchen.

"what do you have that we could cook?" he asks me as i start opening cupboards wildly, looking for something.

"Pasta would be ideal for feeding alot of people." i say, finally pulling pasta out of the cupboard and setting it down on the counter.

He nods in agreement, then starts to look around confused.

"I...uh...where..?" he tries asking.

I reach down to the cupboard next to the fridge, where im standing, opening it and pulling out a pot along with its cover, then reaching to the drawer above it, pulling out a mesuring cup, and handing them to him.

"right. thanks." he replies sheepishly, turning and placing the pot on the stove, then starting to mesure the hot water and place it in the pot.

I start pulling vegetables out of my fridge and placing them on the counter.

"jeremy, time to switch places." i say, and he nods, and we switch.

As he reaches over and pulls the kitchen knife out of the holder, i flinch and look away, not willing to have the deja-vu that comes with seeing knives.

Jeremy looks at me with worry, putting the knife down on one of the not heated burners.

"Are you okay? we can cook something else-" he starts

"no, no. I'm fine i just cant pay much attention to it." i reassure him, my hand held in the air stopping him from saying any more.

"okay... do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, watching me as he slowly and cautiously raises the blade from the stove and placing his attention on the vegetables in front of him.

i open the drawer infront of me and pull out a spoon thats meant for stirring things, and respond. "yeah, sure."

closing the drawer, i start to think, how could i explain this to him? 

"well, uh, all the time when i was younger, my dad got really drunk out of nowhere, and he would yell at me." I said, reaching over the pot and turning the knob above the burners to '7', aswell as covering the pot. Jeremy nods as he follows along with the story.

"well, one day i had enough with them oppressing me so, i shaved my head." I sigh, not exactly fond of the memory. shaving my head felt amasing but, what came after did not.

"so then, when he saw what i did, he decided he had enough too." i start.

"he grabbed a knife, and he cut my shoulder, multiple times. At the time, I went to the hospital, and honestly... i barely made it. When they went home to try to find my dad, he was gone." I say, automatically clutching the part of my bicep where he cut.

"thats...wow.." he says, speechless after my little tale.

"i know." i say, a little laugh following. I wasn't immune to the memory, but it doesent harm me anymore. I stare distantly at the water boiling in the pot.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" he asks, mildly concerned.

I smile at him reassuringly as i lean against the counter and nod. "i'll be fine jeremy."

He smiles back, relieved. "alright."

He starts cutting up the vegetables into tiny pieces, when a thought comes into my mind, i smirk.

"so, jeremy, what was that back there?" i ask, mischief hinting in my voice.

He looks at me quizzically, stopping with cutting the vegetables for a moment so he can look at me. "what do you mean..?" he asks.

"you getting all flustered and embarassed with michael?" i say, a proud smile forming on my face at what im doing.

"what..? i-... dont know what you're talking about" he huffs, denying my claims.

"pfft, yeah sure, as if." i say, rendering jeremy silent, he crosses his arms and mumbles just loud enough to hear.

"its.. nothing." he says, uncrossing his arms and picking the knife back up, going back to cutting up the vegetables.

I almost burst out laughing, but i cover my mouth to muffle it, and jeremy looks at me accusingly.

"sorry...sorry..." i catch myself. "you two are adorable though!" I say, my inner fangirl showing a bit.

Jeremy lets out a string of incoherent stutters that sound offended, i watch his face heat up with amusement.

"Okay okay, im done now, promise" i say
Though my teasing was done, i dont think this was the last i'd see of flustered jeremy.

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