Chapter 1

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 "No reported escapes" a voice says into a microphone. I look up at the man in the suit and squint trying to read his name tag. Eric. He turns the radio on and leans back in his stiff titanium chair. 

"It started out as a feeling...

which then turned into a hope...

which then turned into, a quiet word"

I raised my head, I remembered the soft lyrics, no one had ever sang to me. I swayed myself back and forth in the small cell. The music stopped. Eric turned the radio off.

"You ugly bird" He said and attempted to hit my feathered wing with the metal beating stick, I was used to this by now and knew how to avoid it. I leaned back against the metal poles and looked at the dark ceiling of my cell. I tried to picture a world outside of a cell, if there is such thing. I imagined light, I had seen it once before when a man had came in through a metal door and exposed the light from the hall. 

Although I have been in this cell for a long time, I have small blurry memories of life before this. I looked around at the other beasts, they tell me that they have other names, although I've only heard Eric, and the other guy who monitors us,Jack call them beasts. I remember once Jack was watching something on his phone where someone passes out and another man runs to him.

 That could work, just maybe. I let my body go limp inside the cell, my head hits the metal bottom hard,but the pain will be worth it. The man says something into the microphone and they open my cell. I run as fast as I can, but my legs are sore I have never really ran before. I go through doors until I'm at the top of the small building, on the roof. I spread my wings and jump, although my wings slow me down a little bit, I still hit the ground hard, I heard a snap but continued running, all I could think was the pain was worth it. I ran to the other side of the road and just kept running. When I finally found a road with little cars, I hid in a ditch. There were no building around the area just forest and one road. I curled my wings up and slept in the brush.

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