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Steve took us to one of his friend's Homes, said he trusted him. I wasn't so sure but, what's the worst that can happen? We get attacked on a highway By the winter soldier or something.

"Hey, man." He said to us.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low."
Steve said.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Nat said.

"S.H.E.I.L.D Is targeting us even sent one of the Avengers to come to kill us," I said, The man then paused for a second a Glanced at me for a second.

"Not everyone," Sam said letting us in..


"Sam Wilson?" I asked him entering the kitchen taking a seat at the dinner table.

"Yep, Luna Santiago huh? Blood moon?" He said to me turning around handing me a glass of orange juice As he sat across from me.

"Thanks, for everything," I said with a smile after sipping the orange juice.

"No problem, I mean When Captain America And The blood moon asks for your help you don't just say no." He said with a chuckle.

"But, You just let us in sam like no questions or anything?" I said to which he smiled.

"No No, I'm serious like no questions? Hey, what's your name Pretty short woman with red hair?
Nope Nada just gets inside like um?? Like not even did your dumb asses get followed?" I Said to him To which he laughed at.

"I like You. So you served Back in the day right? " Sam said.

"Yep, Symbol for patriotism For around 50 years I guess," I Said sipping even more juice.

"Well, You disguised as a man right? What was the real reason, All the stories twist the real one." Sam Asked me.

"Well, Buck and Steve and I were the greatest of friends. Weren't really allowed to see each other
since I wasn't A white boy like them. Times were different but we found a way. Buck and I were more then Friends and We formed something Great. He Knew I was a woman In the army, Only two others knew. But He never treated me less because I was a woman or Colored. He treated me like An empress the way I deserve to be treated But then he Died, fell off a Train in 44. That ruined me badly but I still fought, I fought for him until hydra found me and took custody of me.
Changed everything about me turned my hair Lavender, Colored my eyes Red. I was named the Crimson widow and Most of my powers were unlocked the strength, the speed, The Healing. I was their little puppet I forgot most of what they did to me and I'm glad I did." I said.

"Enough of my Sob story, I'm 94, not 14 What about you, lost someone before?" I asked Pouring more OJ to my glass.

"My wingman, His name Riley. We were Flying a night mission. Standard PJ rescue op, nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before, till RPG knock Riley's dumb ass out of the sky. Nothing I could do. It's like I was up there just to watch.
Told me that, He was gonna be fine We did this before He had the flu. He said, were brothers I die for you like you would for me. I wish it was me sometimes He didn't deserve it but what happened happened." Sam said to me.

"Well, We didn't choose this life, this life Chose us.
And this life chose us for a reason." He said to me.


"So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" Nat asked.

"Pierce," Steve replied.

"Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world. So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?" I said to the group.

"The answer is: you don't," Sam said Throwing a File In front of Steve.

"What's this?" Steve said.

"Call it a resume," Sam replied, to which Natasha picked it up

"Is this Bakhmala? The Khalid Khandil mission, that was you." Nat said. " You didn't say he was pararescue," Natasha said to Steve.

"Was this Riley?" I asked.

"Yes," Sam said with a subtle smile clenching his jaw.

"I heard they couldn't bring in the choppers because of the RPGs. What did you use, a stealth chute?" Natasha asked.

"No these," Sam said, handing me a file as we open it.

"Thought you said you were a pilot," I said As the File read EXO-7 FALCON.

"Never said, pilot." He responded.

"I can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason." Steve said putting the file down.

"Dude, Captain America, And Blood moon need my help. There's no better reason to get back in."
Sam said.

"Where can we get our hands on one of these things?" Steve asked.

"The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall."
Sam responded, To which I gave a nod and nat shrugged her shoulders.

"Not a problem," Steve said.


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