Kira - Angelina Piper

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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful maiden, who lived in a small cottage on a grove, full of colourful flowers. She tended to her garden every Saturday morning, and enjoyed her simple life, inside of the largest kingdom within 1000 miles. One day, the maiden was captured while riding on her way into the market, an evil wizard took hold of her and trapped her in the top of the highest tower in the kingdom. The queen and king had been notified about a kidnapping on the outskirts of the forest, so they sent their eldest son, the prince, to save her. The prince snuck inside the tower and took out the wizard with one swift motion. Saving the maiden from her demise. After that day, the prince took the maiden back to his castle, and they all lived happily, ever, after-

"Max? Do you concur?"

I shook my head and looked up at my grade 11 psychology teacher. I never fall asleep in class, but I guess working on my science fair project all night was the reason I dozed off. "Yes Mr Kira, I concur." I said, agreeing with whatever statement he had asked before my awakening.

"Please try to pay attention. The mind is a powerful thing when off on it's own." He said, turning back around to continue his powerpoint. I rubbed my eyes, and sighed.

"Psst!" A boy said from behind me, chucking a paper ball to bounce off the back of my neck. Ah, Kaleb Davids. Kaleb and I talked now and then, but aren't friends. I mean, we once were, but aren't anymore, so yeah.

"Do you get any of this?" He asked me, glancing at his paper, his eraser on the tip of his pencil rotated against the temple of his forehead.

"Yeah, it's not hard to understand, but I am also ahead of most of our class academically anyway." I said, shrugging off his question.

"Dang, now I feel stupid." He laughed quietly. "So... Could you give me a hand? I need someone smart to help me with all this brain stuff."

I rolled my eyes and pushed him gently. "Don't use your stupid charm on me. It won't work."

He laughed. "C'mon now, You've had a thing for me since we were kids." he joked, smiling slightly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, don't dangle the fact around in my face." Kaleb had to be the hottest guy in all of grade 11. He was cute, funny, a star on our basketball team, and smart. Well, smartish anyway. But sadly, he was taken.

Jessica sat in front of me, she turned around, flipping her perfect blond hair in my face. "Could you NOT talk to my boyfriend about your sappy grade 7 relationship that never even existed?" I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I mean, I do sit in between them, stopping them from each other's loving embrace, gross.

I looked at her. "He was just asking me a question, anyway, as if your below grade average could help him actually succeed in his education."

Kaleb held back a laugh. I could see the rage behind Jessica's clear complexion. The grit that formed behind her perfect, daily dose of crest 3D white strips smile. Although, when you bottle up anger, eventually it'll explode out like fireworks on the fourth of July.

Within a second, Jessica got up out of her seat, turned towards me, held her hand up back over her head, and smacked me across the face. "Gh-" I shuttered holding my cheek. She glared at me with disgust. I then stood up gripping my fist, then with my right hook, I punched her in the nose. Blood dripped from her nose, which grasped onto my fist as I pulled it away. Kaleb looked at us both in shock, along with the rest of the class.

Teens in our class encouraged the fight, Jason, Noah, and Diana stood up and chanted things like: "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!", "KICK HER #%$ MAX!" or, "SHOW HER WHO'S THE REAL LOSER JESS!" but I rather the second statement, personally.

Kira - A Short story By Angelina PiperWhere stories live. Discover now