Naps [1]

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Description: Cyrus was in a depressed/suicidal time in his life. Cyrus thinks about harming himself.

Cyrus gets up from the bathroom floor. He opens the cupboard next to the sink and starts searching, he finds a small white box labeled 'razor blades' he opens the box to reveal the square silver blades. He reaches for one but then he hears a loud knock at the door, he puts a couple blades in his pocket, puts away the box and opens the door and walks out.

"Bye mom!" cyrus says grabbing his bag and bolting out of the house before his mom could say anything. As cyrus walks to Tj's house with his hood on and his head low, he can feel the blades in his pocket feeling guilty as he approached Tj's
porch, but if he was gonna be honest, it was the only thing that would ease his pain, maybe even make the pain go away all together. "Hey underdog!" Tj opens the door snapping cyrus back to reality. "Hey" cyrus forces a weak smile. "You okay?" Tj says looking down at the smaller boy with a frown. "Yeah, just jet lagged" cyrus forced a little chuckle. The two continued to walk to school, and cyrus continued to procrastinate and feel guilty about the blades that were in his pocket at the moment.

The two boys stopped in their tracks when they see they arrived at the park.
"You wanna swing a little?" Tj says already running to the swing set. "Sure" cyrus says putting his book bag down. By the time cyrus was on the swings tj was already swinging extremely high. "Come on underdog! GET UP HERE!" Tj shouts with excitement. "WOO!" Tj yells smiling. Tj gets off and goes behind cyrus and starts pushing. "Tj!" Cyrus yelled as the taller boy continued to push him. Cyrus was now up high. "This is exhilarating!" Cyrus shouted. Suddenly something slips out of cyrus' pocket, cyrus went full on panic mode. "I got you underdog" tj said bending down to pick what had fallen from the smaller boys pocket. Tj picks it up and studies it closely. "r-razor blades?" Tj stuttered not looking up. Cyrus swiped them from tjs hand. "That's none of your business" cyrus said putting them back in his pocket. "Cyrus why do you have razor blades in your pocket" Tj said getting closer to the boy. "I couldn't find my scissors?" Cyrus said his hands behind his back. "Pathetic!" Tj said slightly flinging his arms up as he stepped back a bit from the other boy. "Hey! You have NO right to say THAT!" Cyrus said pointing his finger directly at Tj, tears were now forming at the rim of his eyes. "Cyrus! What were you gonna do with the blades!?" Tj said looking at cyrus. Cyrus had his head down, tears now running from his eyes. "CYRUS WHAT WERE YOU GONNA DO WITH THE BLADES?!" Tj was now yelling. Cyrus felt weak and fell to his knees. Right away Tj slid down to his knees and was gonna wrap his arms around the smaller boy. "J-J-JUST GET OFF ME!" Cyrus was crying harder now. Tj was stunned at what the boy said, cyrus had never raised his voice at him. "I-I'm s-sorry i j-just" he breaks down. Tj throws his arms around the smaller boy.
"Hey cy its okay" tj said smiling, tears were now forming in his eyes as well, a tear falls from tjs eye. Cyrus looks up, "Oh my god I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry" cyrus said wiping his tears. "No no it's fine" tj smiled holding cyrus tighter, cyrus smiled back. "So um, do you wanna talk know" tj said looking down at cyrus. Cyrus' smile wipes off right away. "Um..I-I-I'd ra-rather not" cyrus says fiddling with his fingers. "It's fine, it's your choice" tj says looking at the boy. "So" Tj asked getting up and lending a hand to help cyrus up. "I'd also, rather not" cyrus said standing up. " wanna..skip school?" Tj questioned. "Yes please" cyrus said sounding desperate. "Well um my parents aren't home, ambers probably at school by now" tj said wrapping his arm around cyrus. "So...your place?" Cyrus questioned looking up at the blonde boy. "Sure" tj smiled. They made they're way back to tjs house.

They approach the porch but tj stops. "Gimme a sec" tj says walking up to the door and opening it. "HELLO!?" Tj yelled into the house. No response. "Coast clear" tj winked, cyrus blushed at the action. "So what do you wanna do?" Cyrus asks. "Let's go up to my room!" Tj says. Cyrus nods and follows him upstairs. "Nice room" cyrus says putting his bag down. Tj smiled. "I see you don't have a tv" cyrus said. "Yeah I like keeping it old style" tj chuckled. "Yeah, old style" cyrus said pointing at the airpods and MacBook. "Hey how else am I supposed to listen to hobo Johnson?" Tj smiled standing in front of the items. "Wait, you listen to hobo Johnson!?" Cyrus said sitting on the bed. "Duh, who doesn't?" "Buffy and Andi" "no way!" Tj says in shock, cyrus nods. "Do you listen to cavetown?" Cyrus says looking around the room. "Yeah actually" tj says pointing to the shelf with a bunch of albums "lemon boy, dear, sunset season" cyrus read. "Yep!" Tj said flopping on the bed, cyrus sits next to him. "Hey can I ask you a question?" Tj says still laying down. "Ask away" cyrus retorted. "What were you actually gonna do with the blades?" Tj said balancing on his elbows. "Um.." cyrus said looking down. "I g-guess I-I was g-going to d-do something s-s-stupid" cyrus breaks down. Tj sits up and wraps an arm around cyrus. "Hey it's fine, your with me now, I would never let you do anything like that to yourself" Tj said. "I-I just th-thought I-i-it w-would make the p-p-pain go away" cyrus cried. "Hey look at me" Tj said now putting his hands on the brown eyed boys shoulders. Cyrus looks up at the green eyed boy. "Look cyrus, it may seem like your life is falling apart and that no one cares and they're to busy caring about other people instead of asking you if your okay, and I'm gonna tell you honestly cyrus, it might or might not get better, it depends on how you see your  life, do wanna end your life, or do just wanna stop hurting?" Tj explained not taking his eyes off of cyrus. Cyrus crashes into tjs chest and wraps his arms around him. "I just wanna stop hurting" cyrus whispered into to tjs chest loud enough for him to hear. Tj hugs cyrus tighter as if his life depended on it, and to be honest it was the other way around.
"You know your very old and wise" cyrus laughed wiping his tears. "I know" Tj said brushing his non existent beard. "I love you" cyrus whispered thinking Tj didn't hear. "I love you too" cyrus' head shot up. "Y-y-you heard that?" Cyrus said scratching the back of his neck. Tj laughed and leaned in closing the gap between them. Immediately cyrus kissed back, tjs soft lips brushing against cyrus' was the best feeling ever to cyrus. Once they pulled away Tj was quick to speak, "I-I-I'm sorry-" Tj was cut off. "It's fine" cyrus chuckled pulling Tj into another passionate kiss. Tj carefully put his hands on cyrus' waist not knowing if it was okay. Cyrus put his hands around tjs neck deepening the kiss. When they pulled away cyrus spoke "I'm tired" cyrus yawned with drowsy eyes. "Do you wanna nap?" Tj said laying down. "Yes please!" Cyrus said laying his head on tjs chest. "Goodnight" cyrus said closing his eyes. "It's two fou- goodnight cy" Tj closed his eyes and both boys drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Okay so I decided to do one shots and I actually like how this came out especially since I thought of the concept during English class. Anywho hope you enjoyed and if you did share this story or just stay tuned! I have another book "sadderdaze" and I also have some new ones coming!

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