Ch. 3 Embark on Our Grand Adventure!

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It was morning, a bright shiny day as you wake up noticing the same ceiling you saw when it all began. As the birds chirped their morning song, you checked the time noticing it was 6:30AM to which it was 2 hours until everyone was suppose to meet up, you decided to check the house you have woken up in to see if there was anything useful you could take with you. Time passes and you notice books and a letter on a table to which it says, "Dear (Y/N), I hope you are well and enjoying this vast world and meeting good people. To help you on your many adventures, I have granted you with returning your (W/T) sword back that was given to you from an important person who was very close to your heart, (Y/N)... As you read this your memory is slowly regaining after a long loss, join your friends and protect them whatever the cost. Till next time, Sincerely Wisdom." You finish the letter than look at your weapon in awe, then read some books on the shelves next to the table where the letter was at that were about the basics of Callings and Sacred Art spells.

     It was now 7:30AM, "It should be a good time to meet with everyone." You say to yourself as you place the books back to the shelves and open the door, giving a last glance at the beautiful (W/T) sword. As everyone finally meets up; Alice, Eugeo, and Kirito have everyone they need sometimes double checking their stuff. "Shall we get moving?" Alice announces as everyone nods following her practically giving her leader of direction, "You think Alice will be able to play with us more and cook if she has to study more with her father?" Eugeo whispers to Kirito softly, "I hope not, we agreed to help (Y/N) get her memories back." Kirito replies, then Alice and I stop turning around, "What are you talking about?" We both say in unison, "Nothing, we were just talking about how we should hurry before sundown." Kirito says dodging the question and walking past us with Eugeo smiling towards me and waving, "How are you feeling (Y/N)? The weather's great today for our adventure don't you think?" Eugeo speaks showing concern for you, "The weather is truly lovely and calming, and I'm better now that I have you guys by my side." I say giving Eugeo a bright smile, he notices your cute smile and blushes a bit looking away to hide it as he nods, "Y-you are right, we'll let's go." Eugeo reassures then walks ahead.

    As everyone stops, you notice a cave ahead seeing nothing but darkness, "Let me fix that." Alice says to make it less awkward and quiet, she then whispers a sacred arts spell then a light emits on a cattail, "Ready to go?" Alice says happily as everyone nods and continues through the cave. I begin to shiver as I look behind myself seeing nothing but pitch dark, Eugeo walks over noticing me shiver and places his vest on my shoulders, "Take this (Y/N), you don't want to catch a cold." He says softly then smiles, "Hey! There's ice, we should be getting closer!" Kirito announces to everyone and we continue walking, "I see a light guys, let's go!" Alice hurriedly speaks as we all start running, we then enter a cave covered in ice and broken weapons. "So the stories were true, they weren't a myth after all! Around the village, all the folks spoke of a legendary hero named Bercouli, he was a hero who was face to face with the legendary white dragon that's in front of us, but what are all these bones doing here?" Kirito speaks then Alice walks up to it, "This isn't the white dragon is it?" She says quivering a little, "It seems to have sword marks on it-" Eugeo says then I interrupt, "Could it be that a human killed the white dragon?" I shiver and my eyes widen of the thought, "Let's hurry guys, we need the ice." Alice says regaining her composure and collecting some ice, Eugeo then notices a blue sword, " This sword.." he speaks then pauses, "This is the blue rose sword, I guess Bercouli never took it." Kirito speaks for Eugeo, "We have our ice, lets go guys!" I announce to the two boys as we start leaving. As we begin heading back we stumble across a light, "There's the exit! Come on guys!" Eugeo excited speaks then the boys begin running towards the light as we walk so we don't fall with the baskets of ice in our hands, we then go through the light and see nothing but dead trees and feel a dark aura. "T-this is the dark territory." Kirito and Eugeo say in unison, clang boom crash we all look up and see a white integrity knight and dark territory knight fighting on their dragons, the white integrity knight shoots down the dark knight with a single arrow and he falls to the ground as blood flows out of his chest, he lifts his arm slowly noticing us standing there. We look at the knight in shock as Alice walks forward slowly dropping her basket of ice, kirito looks at her as his eyes are widened, "Don't walk there!" He says loudly trying to reach for her and Alice snaps back to reality and trips, falling over and just the tip of her fingers touch the dark territory land. "Alice!!" I say worriedly and help her up, handing her the basket of ice, "We gotta get outta here! It's too dangerous!" Eugeo announces as we nod getting up and leaving. We stop as Kirito is looking upwards noticing a head, "Scan complete... Report sent." the head says as we shake in fear, "Let's hurry." Kirito says and we return back to town.

   "I had a ton of fun on our adventure today, I'll prepare the best meal for you guys tomorrow just you wait!" Alice smiles brightly as she waves goodbye to us for the night, Eugeo and Kirito head home and I return back to the house I now call home and close the door, I give my sword a glance at my sword and stare at it. I then notice a carving that shines brightly on the sword, "God would never put us through all this suffering if he didn't think we could bear it." I smile softly nodding, "I'll never lose my friends, even if they are put a million miles away. I'll protect them and find them whatever the cost." I think to myself and study for the night.

Hope you liked the chapter! The quote that is on the sword is something Yuuka Konno from SAO season 2 said that I really loved and thought I should add it! This was a long chapter but it was a big part I had to finish, nonetheless I hope you guys enjoy!

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