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<Pic of Francis and Arrow above>


I stared at the boy in disbelief, anger simmering just under the surface.  This predicament would put a serious damper on my plans.

The boy stuttered and shifted his weight onto his other leg.  "Please, Arrow, let me explain. It was a siren that saved me, I swear it was."

A Siren.

I became quiet instantly. I was seriously shocked, my anger quickly overridden by the sudden undeniable fear that gripped me.

Don't be stupid.  It couldn't be the same one, it couldn't! She promised me she'd stay away from us, and she'd never lie.  Besides, there could be thousands of sirens in the sea!  But maybe there wasn't. After all, what do I know about sirens? I shakily took a deep breath.

"What did she look like? What did she say?" I grabbed Hawk's shoulders, staring desperately into his eyes. "Please, Hawk," I whispered, "what was her name?"

Now Hawk was the one confused at my behavior-and for good reason. I never acted this way around the captain's crew, as a rule, but I considered this an exception.

Please, don't say her name! Not her!  Anyone but!

"Um...uh...A-arrow, are you okay? You look a little-"

"Just tell me her name! Who was she?"

"S-Seaweed." He stuttered, "Her name's Seaweed."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief, my shoulders drooped and my breathing ragged.

Good. My precious little angel listened to me.  Thank the stars!

Wait.  A.  Minute.  "Who's Seaweed?"  I suddenly wanted to know.  So there were other sirens!  And Hawk had just met one!  Maybe this Seaweed character would know where my precious was.

"To tell you the truth, I don't really know.  She didn't talk much on our way over here, and she helped me breathe underwater for a short period of time. She's terrified of mers and says they enjoy her flesh...wait...asking me this...does it mean you believe me?"

I shot a scathing look at Hawk. I didn't want to egg him on, but how could I not believe him? And I promised a certain beautiful long ago I wouldn't lie anymore.

However, I felt that revealing her secret would break a greater promise with her. I'm sure my angel would understand.

I shook my head. "Hawk, I do not know what you are talking about, but to prevent more arguments and fuss in the future you will get off this ship as soon as we reach port, and you will not sail or swim again. Do you understand?"

He muttered something inaudible and walked away from me. I collapsed down onto my bed, sighing in despair for the first time in a long while as memories of our short time together rose to the forefront of my mind.

Oh angel, why won't you come back?

My little Coral Reef?

A Siren's TailWhere stories live. Discover now