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Axel was about to return to practicing when he heard Mr. Arrow's voice carrying over, "By the way, the competition is tomorrow early in the morning,6 am....the main office closes in 30 mins..tik tok"

Axel calmly put back the equipment and then made a mad dash to the main office, passing Mr. Arrow in the way.

Mr. Arrow looked at Axel's calm, cool face as he made a mad dash and sighed,"That boy is good."


Axel came to an abrupt stop as he reached the main office. As he was about to enter to hand in the sheet he realize that he forgot to fill it. It took him ten minutes to reach the main office, he has 20 minutes left before it closes. Axel pulled out a pen out of nowhere, and started filling the sheet against the wall.

(Author: I wanted my mc to be able to pull things out of nowhere like the other novels. No, this is not the fantasy arc)

It took him 15 minutes to finish. He looked over what he wrote and put his pen back where he took it.(Author: Don't know where) 

He entered the main office building and headed to the receptionist desk.

He waited for a few moment then was about to ring the bell to catch the receptionist attention.

His hand extended to ring the bell when a swift hand reached over and took the bell from the counter.

Narrowed steeled grey eyes looked up from her stack of paperwork. 

"Do not touch the bell, It's 8 pm and I have a mountain of paperwork to complete before 9 pm, There is 5 mins till the closing of the main office, meaning that if you really had some important matter, you would have come sooner."

Axel did not budge. He and the receptionist named Oni Takeda engaged in a silent battle, eyes clashing. Steeled grey eyes meeting Axel's expressionless otherworldly violet eyes.

Oni(the receptionist) ceded.

She took a deep breath, stood up and smiled the kind of fake smile people in the service business give to the clients they are annoyed with but have to put up with.

"How may I help you" she said with a diabetes inducing voice.

Axel wordlessly handed the paper. He did not talk, not because of contempt but because she looked stressed and when dealing with annoying people, he preferred they did not talk at all, so he chose to stay quiet.

He turned around and walked out of the main office.

Oni took the paper, filed it and sat down to continue tackling the evil of bureaucracy.

Axel returned to the archery building to collect his things and headed to where his chauffeur parked.

He got in and the driver drove him home.

He arrived home and was immediately tackled by his little sister, thankfully, he was ready for it so he was prepared

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He arrived home and was immediately tackled by his little sister, thankfully, he was ready for it so he was prepared.

"Welcome back big brother" said the sister(Indiana Blaise nicknamed India)

Behind his sister, his little brother(Bambi Blaise nicknamed BB) walked to him and waved his hands at him while making noise as if saying welcome home.

"I'm back" said Axel as he carried them to the living room where the rest of the Blaise family awaited.


It's short I know, sorry, have a headache.

Thank you for reading

The sister(Indiana Blaise)(14 years old)

The sister(Indiana Blaise)(14 years old)

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The brother(Bambi Blaise)

The brother(Bambi Blaise)

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