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Axel looked up to see Emilio approaching him with a bottle of water. 

Emilio walked to Axel and stopped at the edge of the bench where Axel was seated with an akward face. 

"Sorry for being here unauthorized but I was in the audience and saw how distressed you were  at being unable to play" said Emilio

'What are you doing, other people saw it too, but they did not follow him in the locker room,...but something urged me to follow, my gut has never let me wrong before and hopefully it won't this time'

Axel loooked back down, silent.

Emilio sat on the bench and just saying silent because he does not know how to comfort a person and feels that words right now will not be helpful, only a supportive presence will be helpful.

Emilio looked up at the ceiling and thought,' how do you exude a supportive aura, think supportive thoughts and hopefully they are transmitted by aura.......I feel dumb'

30 MINS LATER......

 Hunched over, bangs covering his face, Axel smiled and said while standing up, "thank you for the sulent support, you should probably return back to audience before the others see you in here, .....go watch the others, they are good. "

Axel walked to the other exit that led outside the building, opened the door and as he walked in to the light of the outside, he said, "Thanks Emilio"

Still on the bench but with his head turned in the direction of Axel, Emilio looked on with wide eyes because the light made Axel looked like a fallen angel.

'whatt a good lighting'

He gathered his thoughts after a long time and said quietly to himself, "no problem Im going" while Axel was already gone......."he remebers me"

Whereas on Axel side, Axel exited the building , took out his phone from his pocket and as he aimlessly walked, texted the team group chat that he will be back by the time the bus comes. 

After texting, he put his phone back to his pocket and looked up to where his feet brought him, a food place. Looks like he is eating soon.

He entered the chinese restaurat feeling guilty, because he just had a seizure and he knows that his coach and his teammates are worried about him but right now despite how selfish it is, he needs space. 

He sat down at the table the waitress led him too and ordered dumplings without looking at the menu. 

As he anticipatly waited for his dumplings, his favorite food. the old man that was seating in the seat facing him sat up and looked towards him, addressing him," hello young athlete I am Satsuro Nokia, and despite the fact tha it currently looks like a scam right now, this is not a scam, I am a representive of the archery division for the olympics and I saw  your game today. Unfortunatly you could not continue the game today." As he stopped, he took a sip of his tea and continued, " I believe you have the potential to compete in the olympic and would like to bring you there, if you have time we will talk about this....I have already contacted your coach he will talk to you about me to confirm my story, I left the address and my number to him, you can contact me later if you want"

As the old man proceeded to call the waitress and pay for his meal, Axel sanked deep into his thoughts.

'What is happening, first Emilio/Xia Yu talks to me, now I recieve a golden opportunity after I thought my chance was gone...is this really the body of a cannon fodder or the male lead, because it would explain the plot armor falling right all over me, next there will be a medicine to cure my seizure, illness and I would win the olympics, stepping on Anette and Rye and embarking to the height of this life while holding Emilio's waist....."

System:You are not the protagonist, and additional task has been added in order for you to understand the fact that you are a cannon fodder and have no plot  armor. 

{Mission: Raise 5 olympic champions. }

Axel just ate his dumplings with a blank face, prefering to ignore the system and the illogical world around him in order to savor his food. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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