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Vic pov

We walk into the party and Mike pats my back and leaves me at the door, I try and follow him around I saw him make it to the kitchen guess he's going for the booze right away. I grab a lite beer and sit on the couch and just people watch. I guess this is how my nights going to go. Unless some thing better happens. Not much is going on. Watching the jocks make out with the cheerleaders, many straight people around me making fools out of themselves.

On guy made is own zip line from the second story and went through a window and dropped into a pool. Then came out of the pool and wondered why he was wet. I swear I don't know if he was serious or just drunk. I caught sight of Mike a couple times in passing. I did end up seeing a few more people come in. One guy caught my eye though. It's Kellin the waiter in my class. He was with that girl Tay again. Sigh. Well I can just admire from afar.

Soon there's a clearing going on and someone announces that there going play spin the bottle. What are we twelve? Soon I see Mike and that girl enter the circle and Kellin does as well. But Tay didn't. I just sit and watch. I see whoever spins it has to initiate the kiss with the person it lands on. Most of them are pretty drunk anyway so it's not like they're going to remember what's going on. That's when I see Mike spin and it lands on some girl. He goes over to kiss her and the girl he was with Alysha I think it was got that face of jealousy seeing them kiss.

After Mike's three minute kiss with the random girl, Alysha spins it and it lands on Mike how unexpected. I roll my eyes and watch them make out for the three minutes. The three minutes are up and then they leave the game and head somewhere else. I debate whether or not to play but I could end having to kiss some girl and I don't want that, gross, but then if I have to kiss a guy it'll expose me and I don't know if I wanna do that yet especially at a party like this.

I think about it then again I see Kellin playing and there's a chance it could land on him. I doubt it. I'm not that lucky. Speaking of him he's now spinning it. It lands on a girl. He rolls his eyes and kisses her. That's it I'm done watching I grab water and go out to the car and leave Mike there he'll find a way home eventually.

I check the mail to see if I get any information on the colleges I applied too. That's when I see a couple from schools. I run inside and tear them open. Ones from Stanford in California, and the other is for Michigan State just in case. I skim the pages, I got into both. With excitement I go into my room and quickly go online to the websites and read through which would be better. I'm still waiting on a couple before I make my final decision. Mike got them too I don't know if he got in. I hope so I don't know if I could go to a school without him there.

Kellin pov

When we get into the party it's just as I expected, Tay any I go right to the kitchen and grab some drinks. We walk around and talk to a few of Tay's other friends I don't but I stay close to her soon some guy announces that they're going to play spin the bottle, what are we twelve?

I decide to play cause why not, I could kiss a cute guy but knowing my luck it won't happen and I'll get stuck with a girl. I see a few rounds, a couple leave after their kissing, there's a couple people between us now. Now it's my turn and I spin it and whataya know it lands on a friggin girl. I kiss her and let me tell you it's the nastiest three minutes of my life. After that I leave the game cause I don't want that to happen again.

I find Tay she's locking lips with some girl. What the fuck Tay.

"Tay!!" I shout.

"Oh hey Kels" she slurs.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I shouted over the blaring music.

"What do you mean?" She says.

"What about Jenna your girlfriend that's not here but in Australia?" I say reminding her.

"Oh what she doesn't know won't kill her" she says.

"That's it" i say and I grab her wrist and drag her out to her car and I pry the keys out of her pocket while she's giggling and I buckle her into the passenger seat and I drive her home. I leave her car there, and I help her into her house. She falls asleep soon enough and I walk to the restaurant and get my bike I wave to Rhonda inside and she smiles at me and comes out to give me a bag of take out. I thank her and peddle home.

I leave my bike in the backyard and head in the front to check the mail. I grab it and take it inside and I give Linda, Katelynne and Kylee their dinner and I leave the mail there for Linda to go through.

I log into my computer that I recently saved up for and bought. The school I want to go to Stanford the most. It's always been a dream of mine to go to California, and that's the best one in that state. I go into the schools website and open their chat room. I know it's early and I don't wanna get my hopes up but what's the harm in making a couple of online friends, that I could end up going to school with. Of course I applied for a scholarship there's no way I could afford go with out one. And step mommy dearest certainly won't pay.

I'm reading what people are saying in the chat:

Xoscene_queenoX: just got my acceptance letter freshman starting soon ^.^

john_cali: same my acceptance letter came today too

tuv_efg: same can't wait to start and get back to California

I decide to join in. Huh, if all these people got there acceptance letters than I should she gotten one too? Maybe it didn't reach Michigan yet.

kels_bels: don't know if I got it yet probably did get to Michigan yet lol

tuv_efg: your from Michigan I just moved there from Cali

kels_bels: really that's cool what part?

tuv_efg: uh, the town is on the outskirts of Grand Rapids

kels_bels: no way same

tuv_efg: cool

After that I left the chat. But if this person from Michigan got there letter than surely I must have got one. I'll check later once everyone's gone go to bed.

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