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Vic pov

So I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask out this friend over text since that's the only way I know I can with the given information I know about him. I've talked it over with myself several times now and I think it's time being that there's only a week and a half till the event. If he says no otherwise we'll have to see.

So the days almost over and since there's nothing to do I take out my phone and text him. Why the hell not right? Trying to figure out the right way to ask him to the homecoming. Like I don't wanna be too formal but I don't want it to be to casual that he gets the wrong idea. And the phasing of the question matters too I think. Ugh why is this so complicated.

'Hey wanna go to the homecoming with me?'

No that sounds lame and typical, how about...

'How would you like to go to the homecoming dance with me?'

Hell no way to formal, ugh. Um...

'Wanna go to the dance next week with me?'

No to casual he'll never take it seriously ugh I hate this why is it so difficult to come up with a question that's good. Wait didn't he say he was working that night? Maybe I should ask him about his job that night.

'Hey I know you said you might be working the night of homecoming but if you wanna go....'

No I shouldn't leave it open ended like that right? He might get the wrong idea with that.

'....maybe we could meet up and go together?'

Hmmm, doesn't sound horrible, yet I think I'm on the right track. Ehh what the hell I'll leave it I guess it's the best I've got right now. Should probably do it before the bell rings right, in a few seconds. Alright send. Well can't take it back now. Well just see how this goes. 

as the bell rings I leave the classroom and head to my car and wail for Mike. What else is there to do, just wait. Wait for my brother, wait for an answer, wait for something to happen, everything is a matter of waiting, and to be honest it's fucking annoying. But whataya going to do about it.

I feel my phone vibrate, I take it out to my disappointment it's not who I wanted it to me. Instead I got one from Mike.

'Go home, going with Alysha ;)'

I roll my eyes at the text and just head home. Here's no point and staying here any longer. Though I am hungry I could use something to eat. I'll grab a slice of pizza on my way home. I pull into the parking lot of the same restaurant that I came a few weeks ago with mom and dad.

I go inside and wait my turn. The person behind the counter is moving slow and this is annoying me. Jeez I gotta get some patience. Along with a date, I gotta get both how about that. Now it's my turn. Finally.
Omg it's Kellin, I haven't seen him around much at school lately. I wonder why that is? Oh well.

"I'd like one regular slice of pizza please" I say casually to him he nods and punches it into the register.

"That'll be $2.95" He says in a bored tone.

"That bored huh" I say, handing him the money. 

"Yeah, and tired" he says just as he's yawning.

Then he goes to get the slice and put it into an oven. So now I have to wait some more. Great just what I wanna do today.

"Vic your pizza" He says a couple minutes later.

He remembers my name. I small smile etches at the corners of my mouth and go up to retrieve my pizza.

"Thanks" I say and go to a table my the large window.

I look over at him and he's looking down at his phone, although he's like focused and really thinking about something on there. Soon I notice his fingers move like he's texting.

However I get distracted when my own phone vibrates in my pocket.

'I'd love to meet up with you at homecoming and don't worry about my work I got someone to cover for me'

Yess! I can't believe I'm finally going to find out who this guy is, I hope I like him in person that is. Oh no what if he doesn't like me in person then everything will be super awkward. Oh I should reply to him.

'Great! Can't wait, I'll meet you in the middle of the dance floor at 9'

Does that sound okay? Would it be too suspicious? Or corny? Eh who cares. Send. I can't wait to tell Mike, wait I probably shouldn't bother him right now, I'll tell him next time I see him whenever that may be.

Kellin pov

'Hey I know you said you might be working the night of homecoming but if you wanna go.... maybe we could meet up and go together?'

I receive the text I was low key dreading. Only cause I didn't want Tay to be right. But was otherwise excited for. I since I'm in class and I have to go right to the restaurant for work this'll have to wait. I send some emergency texts to Tay to get her attention. I need her help with his. I know she wants me to go but is it really the right thing to do?

After attending to a few customers one being Vic from school I have a few minutes where there no one on line so I take out my phone to see the texts I have from Tay.

'Kellin omg I knew it'

'...I swear to god Kels of you don't say yes I'll hurt you'
'...did you answer him tell me what he says"

'....dude answer me tell me what's going on'


So I decide to answer the spazzing brunette, in a quick text. Then I go to the next one and finally answer the guy.

'I'd love to meet up with you at homecoming and don't worry about my work I got someone to cover for me'

It's striated to the point and I guess it's a harmless way to answer such a question. I see I got one back in a matter of seconds.

'Great! Can't wait, I'll meet you in the middle of the dance floor at 9'

That's an odd place to meet up with someone, but I guess it works. Whatever oops I gotta get back to work now I guess. There's a line forming, ugh.

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