Chapter 3

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    I am walking alone in the dark road.  Even though I am holding my coat tight the cold wind, which is howling, keeps reaching my body. I shiver and try to warm myself ineffectively. I look around but see nothing except darkness. I try my best not to panic, however the feeling that something is wrong can't get out of my mind. I keep walking, hoping that I'd find someone who would help me. I am alone though. I bite my lower lip in an attempt to hold the tears which start to form. Hold your self together Rebecca, don't be scared, don't be scared it's just a stupid road I repeat trying to calm myself.It's exactly like the movies.Should I shout "Hello" and wait for the killer to appear? I really enjoy that part in horror movies and I always wait for the killer to be like "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich". Yeah way to be funny , great shot Rebecca, I thought.

Suddenly I hear a sound from somewhere behind me and I turn around abruptly. Nothing. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the horror movies.

"Becca" a light voice whispers my name. I try to locate the source of the sound and when I find it I can't conceive it. I stay still, not able to move a muscle and I think my heart skipped a beat.She is here. How can she be here? That's impossible. I look at her warm eyes , at her smile, savouring every inch of her body. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe this is just a delusion. I close my eyes and after a while I open them again but she is still there.

"Mum...?" I ask her, although I know who she is ,with a barley audible voice. She nods and smiles at me. My feet start moving slowly towards her and I have no control over them. I never stop staring at her, believing that she will disappear if I don't.When I'm ten metres away from her I start running not able to hold myself.As soon as I reach her, I stop. I extend my hand to touch her  the same time she extend hers. But when our hands meet I can't feel her. My hand goes through hers no matter how many times I try. It's like she is an apparition. 

"Mum what is going on? Why can't I touch you?" I cry , tears streaming down my cheeks. She gives me a sad smile but instead of answering she looks at the road ahead. I turn my gaze too and notice an approaching light, probably from a car. I sigh with relief because someone is coming. I step aside of the road as I was in the middle and wave my hands. 

"Mum come here with me. Don't stand there. A car is coming" I tell her frantically but she doesn't reply. In fact I don't know if she even heard me. I try to go to her but  my legs are stuck in the ground. I try harder but still they don't move. It's like there is an invisible wall in front of me preventing me from moving. I can't believe this is happening to me.

"MUM PLEASE LISTEN TO ME. COME HERE!" I scream at her with a desperate attempt to get her attention as I watch the car getting closer and closer. 

Right before the car reaches my mum and the light blinds my vision she turns at me and mouths the last  words she told me that night.

 ''I love you Rebecca you know that right? I love you so much'' 

And there is only light. Nothing else. Not her , not the car , just light. 


There are some people  who live in a dream world , and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into another. I still get nightmares. In fact,  I get them so often I should be used to them by now. I'm not. No one ever really gets used to nightmares. 

I try to calm my self by taking deep breaths and then I finally open my eyes. At first I don't recognize the room but then I see Emily sleeping in her bed beside me and I realize we are in our dorm room. I get up from the bed and look outside. It's still dark and when I check the time it's close to midnight. I try to sleep again but I'm afraid that my nightmares will come again to haunt me , so I decide to take a walk . I need some fresh air to clear my mind and put my thoughts in order. 

I try not to wake Emily as I get ready.Right before I leave I look at myself in the mirror. Ugh I didn't expect anything good. I am wearing a pair of jeans and a loose T-shirt. My hair is a mess from sleeping and my eyes have big dark circles. Probably I look like a zombie but I couldn't care less. Ι sigh and try to tie my hair in what seems to be a really messy pony tale. Ι try to open the door slowly without making any noise and I steep out of the dorm room. 

After an hour of walking around the university campus ,which is empty to my suprise of students although it is a Sunday night , I came in front of a big quite circular building. At the front of it ,it is written with big letters BOULDERS UNIVERSITY POOL.The doors are open so I decide to take a look. The lights are still on and I notice a towel hanging  but other than that I don't see anyone.Maybe someone forgot it. I don't bother with the towel anymore and I start to observe the place. There is a corridor probably leading to the showers and the changing rooms and a few chairs here and there.And of course the pool. I eye it with disbelief.It is litterly huge. As I stare at it I decided to swim.Yes, swim.

I was always fond of water! My mum and I used to go almost every weekend for swimming at the public pool. The thought of my mum brought back the memories from the nightmare but I brush them at back of my mind and start pulling off my clothes.

When I'm only in my bra and panties, I start taking a few hesitant steps towards the pool . Although the summer isn't exactly over , the nights are getting colder and colder. I am shivering and hoping that I won't caught a cold. Maybe this is a stupid idea after all.

After standing near the pool for about five minutes I finally find the courage to step in. The water was freezing cold and I immediately try to raise on the surface. As soon as my head pops out of the water I start taking big breaths. Swimming  really helps me in clearing my mind. Everything else is fading.Every concern and problem . They don't disappear, just fade.

I swim in the deep part of the pool before I decide to just lay on my back for a while. I close my eyes and try to relax. If someone was walking in the building at this moment would probably think I am crazy swimming at midnight. I laugh at the thought. I am definitely crazy. Tomorrow I will be dead tired and Emily will get suspicious again but it isn't like Ι can do something about it. My first class starts at eleven so I reckon I will have enough time for a coffee or two, in order not to fall asleep during the lessons. Way to go Rebecca! One of the best ways to start your first day at the university. I laugh hysterically at myself but I stop immediately when I hear a rough voice from beside me saying rather loudly. "You are really crazy aren't you?"


So this is the third Chapter :D 

Hope you like it ;) Who do you think is the one who talked to Rebecca? Sorry again for any typos or grammar errors we will try to edit it soon.

Here in Greece schools start on Thursday *sniff sniff* and we don't know when we will be able to update again :/ We have decided to make the chapters shorter so we can update more frequently so yeap that. 

Ugh don't know what else to say oh got it , don't forget 

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Who knows if we get a lot of votes we might update sooner than expected :D 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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