high school musical isn't for cowards ; seokshua

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this was apart of a seventeen/demi god AU that I abandoned so I decided to fix it up a little and repackage it has a one shot

basically they're in highshcool and chan and seokmin are brothers and that's all you need to know

hope you enjoy it

Joshua was really excited for tonight. And he wasn't sure why. He couldn't explain why he got so happy when Seokmin asked him he wanted to come over this Friday. And he certainly couldn't explain why he was so happy when he mentioned it was just going to be the two of them. It certainly wasn't the big fat crush he had developed on the resident sunshine of his high school. That definitely didn't play into anything.

He spent all day just trying to stay awake in his classes and after those were done he was ready to just rush over to Seokmin's house before Jeonghan bumped into him.

"Where are you going in a rush," He asked his best friend "Student council meeting remember?"

Joshua actually hissed. Like an actual hiss like a cat. He was pretty sure it sacred his best friend. "Can we just like cancel it? I have some where to be"

Jeonghan grabbed Joshua by his jacket and pulled him over. "Jisoo Joshua Hong do you have a date?"

"No," Joshua sighed. "Listen I'm not sure okay"

"Okayyy, whatever you say" Jeonghan teased.

Joshua made his way over to his locker just to double check he wasn't forgetting anything. He had filled his bag with some snacks for later in case he didn't have time to go to the store. He did is 4th recheck of his bag when Mary Sue Prince interuppted him.

Mary Sue Prince was the most odious woman at this high school and was constantly trying to undermine him has student council President. She was just salty and he won over her for 4 straight years.

"So Joshua, Jeonghan tells me we have to cancel the student council for a personal matter, Shame really. Ya know I could always run the meeting without, I imagine we can be just as productive, even more so with out you there."

Joshua has never punched someone in the face before, but damm he was close. Through gritted teeth he said, "No, No Don't worry about Mary Sue, tell Mrs. Kim to open the room I will be there in a couple minutes."

Mary Sue huffed and walked off in the way towards Mrs. Kim's classroom and Joshua had a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. Now to just explain things to Seokmin.

And just has luck would have it Seokmin was walking towards him with a smile on his face. Joshua's initial thought was, wow it's literal sunshine.

"Hey Joshua ready to go?" Seokmin chimed.

"Listen, I'm gonna need to come a little bit later, a student council meeting, can't give Mary Sue the satisfaction, I'll explain later. Look I even got snacks-" He showed Seokmin his backpack which was filled was chips. "-I'm really sorry Seokmin"

"It's fine, don't worry about it," He smiled, a smile that melted Joshua's heart "Let me give you my address"

Joshua handed his phone to Seokmin who punched in his address in. "I'll see you later, Josh!"

He waved Seokmin goodbye and headed towards the student council meeting room.

That was the longest student council meeting he had ever had. It went 30 minutes and 26 seconds over their normal meetings. Joshua counted. Mary Sue kept bringing up pointless topics just to spite him. She probably could have went on for 3 more hours if Lacy Grace, the Sophomore representative had not spoken up.

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