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Unfortunately, i wake up feeling nauseous. Tears fill my eyes, it's the middle of the night. I hate being sick, i hate everything about it.

I didn't want to wake Mac up so i bolted to the bathroom. Vomit covered the floor, i couldn't make it on time, this baby was making me sick! Although i hated the thought of being sick, i was happy, i knew i was pregnant which was a delight.

At last, after i cleaned up my vomit, i head back to bed and go to sleep. "Wake up Ari!" A familiar voice shouts. "Omg! No! Really? No! Yes! No! What? Help! Aaah!" I shout, screaming with delight as i see Nicki Minaj in my bedroom. "What the hell? Why have you come to see me?" I giggle. "Because we need to sort out a date of when we shoot the music video of Side To Side." Nicki smiles, i wake up from bed and hug her. "Don't hurt my baby." I say jokingly, holding my tiny stomach. "What?" Nicki questions. "Guess who's pregnant?" I say with delight. "ARIANA OMG! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! AAAAAH!" Nicki screams, crying and holding my stomach. "Even better, it's Mac's." I wink. "Woah! You've been together  for a week!" Nicki smiles. "I don't know how it happened but I'll tell you all about it." I giggle nervously. "Now where's my man?" I raise my eyebrow. "Follow me!" Nicki smiles.

I walk downstairs to a beautifully set table with a buffet of breakfasts! "Aw baby! You didn't have to do this! Thank you so much!" I jump into Mac's arms.

2hrs later...

Mac goes to the recording studio, he kisses me goodbye and walks out the door. "So Ari. Tell me all about it!" Nicki smiles sipping her tea and winking. Blink! I get a text message from Hairspray Live. "Oh god i gotta reply to this, i didn't reply back to them last night." I bite my lip and start replying. "Sis, you keeping secrets from me or somethin?" Nicki giggles, "Who you texting?" "Hairspray Live. Kenny Leon is directing it, he sent me a letter to inform me that they want me on the show." I smile, still replying. "You going for it?" Nicki asks. "Yes. I hope that I'm not to far into pregnancy for my stomach to show, i won't be looking like a Penny for long." I giggle.

Nicki and I chat for hours, all morning, we talk about our relationships, songs, Side To Side, our albums, my baby, Dangerous Woman Tour and life...

"Ugh. I feel sick again." I lie my head on a pillow and grab my hot water bottle, "I think i need to go to the bathroom." I sigh. "It's okay gurl, i ain't gonna hate you." Nicki giggles, i smile at her and walk upstairs. I be sick in the toilet and walk downstairs, "I'm not well." I say as i walk downstairs. "You know i can stay here all day with you right? There's no rush, I'll look after you." Nicki smiles, patting the couch for me to sit down on it. "Thanks Nicki." I lie down on the pillow and wrap a blanket around myself. "I'll make you some water."

Nicki arrives back from the kitchen with a glass of water for me. "Thank you so much." I smile.

1hr later...

"I have to go now okay? I can stay if you want but my mom needs me, Mac will be home soon." Nicki says to me as i nearly fall asleep. "I'll be fine." I smile and we hug each other. Nicki leaves and i wait for Mac to arrive home.

Short chapter ik. Thanks for reading, i finally updated sksksks

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