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Emma stormed into her house and slammed the door shut. She leaned against it still freaking out.

"Em" Kieran says as he came out of the lounge confused.

"I told her. Regina knows. She knows about Logan" Emma says panicking.

"Wait what? Emma you didn't" he asked worried.

"I didn't mean to. Ow my god if she tells anyone I'm gonna die" Emma starts freaking out.

"It will be ok. What did you tell her"

"That I have a 5 year old son named Logan who I raised with my brother cause we had no one else to help. I said how no one else knows about him. I didn't tell her about Micheal though or Jane"

"You gotta tell her. You have to tell her about everything now" he says making sure she is looking at him.

"What? No. I can't tell her that" Emma says quickly.

"You have to. She will tell someone if she doesn't realise the consequence" Kieran sighed.

"No. I can't. I'm scared. If he finds out I'm screwed" Emma says shaking.

"Well what else can we do"

"I don't know. I'll think of something. She's my girlfriend as of this night and we had a huge argument"

"Em that sucks. Will he hurt Logan" Kieran asked worried.

"No. I know he won't. I'm sure of it" Emma says with a sigh of relief.

"How do you know" Kieran was confused how Emma was so certain about such a thing.

"Because that was our deal. He wouldn't hurt Logan or even go anywhere near him so long as I keep my mouth shut about everything that happened. Also he always wanted a son. He wouldn't kill Logan or hurt him because it's his son" Emma replied as she looked down.

"So he's safe. Nows it's time to make sure your safe"

"And you"

"We will be. She'll be in shock tonight and won't do anything. Tomorrow is Saturday so your not working. Have her here and have her meet Logan. Then explain to her everything about Micheal and Jane. She will understand" Kieran softly explained the plan.

"Are you working tomorrow" Emma asked quickly.

"Yes. I'll try getting the day off" he replied as he placed his hand upon his sisters shoulder.

"It's ok. Work. I can handle this" she says as she rested against the door. She thought about the day at court to send him to prison. "How did he manage to only get 4 years? The minimum for rape is 9" she sighed as tears filled her eyes.

"Because he had money and the judge was a family friend. He cheated his way through life and even in prison he was like VIP" the slightly older sibling says as he hugged his twin.

"I hate this. I wish we could just run far away. Like England or somewhere far" she says letting a tear or two shed.

"We tried. We can't put Logan through that again Emma. We have moved so many times to get away from him. He finds us. Logan likes it here. We will do this" Kieran sighed.

"I know. I only wish" Emma sobbed.

"Me too. We can do this" he says holding his twin in his arms.

"I hope" Emma whispered. As she pulled away she wiped her tears. "If something happened to me I trust you to look after Logan. Also make sure Regina is ok"

"Nothing will happen to you"

"You don't know that. He's dangerous. He is the only person I fear in this world and my fear my be the reason I don't make it. Promise me you'll look after Logan" Emma interrupts.

"I promise. I also promise that Micheal has to go through me to get to you" Kieran says trying to keep Emma's hope up.

"Thank you"

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