Six- Make a Friend or Five

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Pandora sat in her bed for a while not being able to fall asleep after her dream

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Pandora sat in her bed for a while not being able to fall asleep after her dream.

She stared at the ceiling trying to understand what had just happened. But she couldn't. It didn't make sense to her.

Why had she dreamed of the Isle when the VKs had just come? It seemed like too much of a coincidence for her taste.

Maybe her brain was just showing her this because it knew she wanted to adventure around here, something here was calling to her but she didn't know what. She wouldn't know until she came here, not that her father would allow her. He was much too overprotective.

He didn't want her getting hurt or lost or kidnapped. He wanted to know she was somewhere safe at all times or else he'd take her out of Auradon Prep. Which was why he had begun teaching there to keep an eye on her. He also had Talia watch her just in case she did anything drastic.

None of them wanted her hurt.

She wasn't going to get hurt. She always argued. But they didn't believe it. The Isle was a dangerous place filled with dangerous people. It wasn't safe for her to go there when she was so close to danger.

But the more times they told her no, the more curious she became. The more she wanted to find out what was so special about the Isle of the Lost. What made her so drawn to it?

She wanted an adventure and she wasn't going to get one here. Nobody had the adventurous spirit she had.

They were all snobby and stuck up princesses and princes who would one day rule kingdoms.

Pandora herself would be crowned Queen of Neverland when she turned sixteen. It was something she couldn't change no matter what she did.

She didn't want to be the queen of anything. But it was Auradon custom and she had to follow it. She had to take the throne from Peter Pan who hadn't aged in those years.

Neverland had been one of the last places to join Auradon because they didn't want to forget their magical ways. Magic was a big part of their society. It couldn't be cut out because Fairy Godmother wanted them to.

They'd come to an agreement then that they only used magic when necessary and pixie dust was one of their main uses of it.

Her father hadn't given her any because he knew what she would do with it. He didn't want her going to the Isle when he told her she couldn't he didn't want her going behind his back to go on an adventure.

To him going to the Isle wasn't an adventure. It was no joking matter. Even if he pulled pranks on Captain Hook when he did go. Pandora never could take him seriously because he was still a child, he'd always be a child. He'd just taken care of her because her mother didn't have the means to.

Her mother didn't have the time to. She was always off chasing stories around Auradon, interviewing people for the Auradon news, jotting down articles. She never had time for Pandora and it still bothered her.

No matter how many times she told her mother it was okay to go on her expeditions, Pandora never felt it in her heart. She wanted her mother to stay but she wanted her to chase her dream too. Pandora wanted to chase her own dreams too, not that her dreams could be said out loud to her parents,they'd be pretty angry if they heard her dreams.

"Hey Panda." Talia said. "You're already awake and ready? Let me get ready then so we can get breakfast."

Talia disappeared into the bathroom, appearing minutes later.

"Let's go." Talia said.

The two of them made their way to the Cafeteria,which was pretty packed at this early in the morning.

It was seven. Pandora had to remind herself that was the time they woke up here.

They went through the line,filling their plates with food, pancakes for Pandora, waffles for Talia.

They surveyed the room where their usual table with Crystal had been taken by other people. Crystal wasn't even at the table which Pandora found odd.

"Hey guys." Crystal said from behind them. The two turned around.

"Hey Crys." Talia said. "Morning."

"Morning Talia." Crystal said.

"Hey Crystal." Pandora said.

"Our table was taken." Crystal said. "And the only open table is with the.. the Isle transfers."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Pandora said. "Let's sit and eat. I don't want to stand here all day."

Pandora could feel peoples eyes following her as they walked toward the table where the VKs sat,eating their breakfast with foods they'd never seen before.

"Hey guys." Pandora said. "Can we sit here?"

"Yeah sure." Mal said as she and Evie scooter on the bench to make room. Talia and Crystal sat next to the boys as Pandora sat next to the daughter of mother Gothel. Gigi.

"How's it here so far?" Crystal asked. "Apparently I'm supposed to ask you that. Every day."

"Fine." Mal said as Evie elbowed her in the side.

"It's amazing!" Evie gushed: "There's food here I've never tried before and it's not rotten or moldy or stale. Better than anything the goblins made on the Isle."

"I liked my dark-as-my-soul coffee in the morning."Mal said. "But this is fine."

"The people here aren't really as nice as I thought they were." Gigi said. "Or maybe they just don't like us. The people at that table."

Gigi pointed to the table where Audrey sat glaring with her group.

"Oh no." Pandora said. "Thats just Audrey. She's rude to everyone. But she thinks she can get away with it because she's the king's girlfriend. I never understood what Ben saw in her. Maddie was a better girlfriend."

Gigi sighed in relief as they dug into their breakfast.

[✔︎] 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐄 ✫ DESCENDANTS ONE ²Where stories live. Discover now