Fourteen- The Other Answer

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Pandora and Talia searched the library even though they had no idea what they were looking for

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Pandora and Talia searched the library even though they had no idea what they were looking for. The librarian had offered them her assistance but they'd declined, not knowing how to describe to her their new fascination. She'd probably send them to Fairy Godmother straight away to be scolded on the dangers of magic. But it wasn't there fault. They had grown with magic all around them. Neverland was the only province in Auradon that didn't abide by the no magic rules.

Her father had argued that if they did, then they would surely fail. Neverland was built on childlike wonders, on imagination. It was fueled by magic. From the fairies who helped change the seasons, to the Lost Boys and the King of Neverland himself. Magic was a big part of what Neverland stood for and they couldn't give it up just because the King of Auradon wanted them to. Sure he was the highest in the land but he couldn't make them do something they didn't want to do.

It had caused outcry at first. The fairies who had been stripped of their ewings, the wizards who were forced to read from normal books, they all were angered by the decision. But soon it didn't matter. They seemed to realize if they visited Neverland enough they could use their magic all they wanted , free of charge. The king couldn't get to them even if he tried.

Pandora balanced on a ladder, grazing over the spines of the books in the Neverland Section, trying to find one that would fix her plight. Surely it wasn't as hard as it seemed. There had to be a way her father did this and she would find the reason. She was going to the Isle whether he liked it or not. She was going and there was nothing that could change her mind. She was going and there was no backing out now.

Talia took the time to actually open up the books and skim over them which Pandora thought was a waste of time. They weren't going to get far if she read them. It would take far too long. Pandora didn't have the patience that Talia seemed to have. Though it was Talia who seemed to lose interest the quickest.

Talia had made a pile of books she'd read over and it still didn't measure up to the rows of books that filled the shelves. At this rate, they wouldn't be finding out anything until they'd lost interest in the expedition. But they were much too invested now to pay any mind to that and tried to tell themselves that they would be better trying hard now than later.

Procrastinating was one of Pandora's specialties and it was Talia's too. At the same time, Pandora was determined to finish what she started, no matter how pointless the task. She had to finish it. No questions asked. If she didn't, she'd feel incomplete and unsuccessful in her tasks which she didn't really enjoy.

"Pandora we're so dumb." Talia remarked after a good fifteen minutes of them searching.

"Why is that Tals?" Pandora asked, setting a book aside.

"We're looking for how your dad could have done such a thing." Talia said. "When the main source of magic in Neverland is pixie dust."

The two spent the rest of the time searching for a book on pixie dust, just when they thought that they should give up and search no more, Talia found a book conveniently about the history of pixie dust. They flipped through it, learning about the different types of pixie dust, though none of them told them about the means to travel through a barrier.

Pandora hadn't expected it to, though maybe there was something about it that could help her get what she wanted.

There was blue pixie dust that replenished the golden pixie dust. It was powerful and could create other types of pixie dust when mixed with the correct ingredients.

There was gold pixie dust known for given the powers of flight and weightlessness. It also strengthened fairy abilities.

There was green pixie dust that gave the intellect of the tinker fairies. It also helped tinker fairies create, mend and repair their projects quickly and efficiently.

There was amber pixie dust that gave you the power of a light fairy. It restored the power of light fairies and gave the power to non-light fairies.

There was pink pixie dust the granted the ability of garden fairies.i t helped create and control plant life and vegetation.

There was purple pixie dust that granted the talent of fast-flying fairies. It restored the power of fast-flying fairies and gave the power to non-fast-flying fairies.

There was cyan pixie dust that granted the power of water fairies. It restored the power of said fairies and gave the power to non-water fairies.

And finally there was orange pixie dust that granted the power of an animal fairy. It restored the power of animal fairies and gave the power to non-animal fairies.

Pandora didn't see any help in any of the descriptions, though Talia had taken interest in the art of making green pixie dust which Pandora could understand. Talia was a tinker fairy after all, following the footsteps of her mother and was very invested in tinkering when she wasn't sleeping. And Talia was sleeping most of the time, though Pandora didn't know if she slept during the night. That was when she was sleeping and she had always wondered how Talia created new contraption by the time she woke up.

"It's purple." Talia said. "Purple pixie dust is our best bet."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you said he was surrounded by purple smoke." Talia said. "And pixie dust may not be smoke but it's close enough." Talia paused. "Are you positive this is your path?"

"Everyday is the same old thing. I want a new adventure, something exciting!"

"Good." Talia said. "I wasn't going to take the other answer."


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