Part 2

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How's it going? Still alive n what not. I need to clear some stuff up with you before I get into my story. First off, you're probably doubting the fact that I got a 50 cal Barret sniper rifle without a waiting period. The reason I was able to obtain it to easily was because the state I bought the gun in is a very lenient state as far as gun policies, and on top of that the owner of the store was my neighbor so and he knew that I had wanted one for the longest time as I have an interest in long range shooting. So all I had to do was get a simple background check and fill out a good amount of paperwork and it was mine. I've had a few encounters with the man and I'm hoping to finish this up in the next few days. Anyways, lets continue.
So I had just gotten conformation that my payment was recieved and someone would be sent out the next day. I started packing all the belongings in my apartment that I would need as I wouldn't be able to return until after this was all completed. I packed about a months worth of clothes, all my electronics that I would need, all my guns and spy gear that I had bought myself, and a few other miscellaneous items like toothbrush and shampoo. Once everything was packed up I went over to a friends house that had an older car for sale that was registered to his name. I asked him if I could trade him cars for reasons I couldn't get into, and gave him $2000 to just keep my car in his back yard and look after it. I figured if this hit man agency was any good they'd look up my DMV records and know what kind of car I was driving and my licence plate which would make me a lot easier to find. He agreed and told me to look after myself and to be careful. So I set out back to my old apartment that night to put all of the things I had packed up into the trunk and back seat. I also set out a little note on my coffee table in the living room that said "Tag you're it!" just to fuck with the guy and to give him a little heads up that this wasn't going to be an average hit. What fun would it be if he didn't even know that this was a fun little game? I now had everything I needed to go on the hunt and a car that couldn't be traced back to me. Before the day ended I went to walmart and picked myself up a prepaid smart phone and then dismantled my old phone so I couldn't be tracked via GPS. Before it got too late I also stopped by the little spy shop again and picked up a magnetic GPS locator. You know the kind that Walt and Hank from Breaking Bad put under Gus Frings car to follow him. After that I was fully ready to do this. No turning back now.
I went back to the area around my apartment around 11 pm and parked about 2/3 - 3/4th of mile away to wait. No way I could stay the night there and allow that guy to get the drop on me while I was sleeping. I sat on the passenger side of the car to make it look like I was waiting for a friend to come back to the car and to not freak the people out who lived in the apartments I was in front of. They said they'd be sending him out the next day so I had to sleep in the car and wait for him to arrive. I went to sleep around midnight and woke around 7 AM. I took out my nice deer hunting binoculars and waited. And waited. And waited. I finally got hungry enough to convince myself I needed to eat so I went to a little fast food joint and picked up a few burgers. I went back and parked in the same spot I was before. It was around 5 PM at this time and I figured this guy wasn't going to come during the day so I fucked around on Reddit for a few hours until it got dark. I finally got bored of Reddit so I went back to watching my apartment. Around 10 PM I watched an all black car with dark tinted windows, I think it was a Chrysler 300, pulled up a few hundred feet from my apartment on the other side of the street. It look a bit fishy on a count of that it had out of state plates and I'd never seen it in my neighborhood before so I started to watch it. It just sat there for about 10 minutes, presumably checking out my house, then it drove away. "Huh, well that was weird." I thought to myself as I had the biggest grin on my face. I knew that was my guy.
I tried to sleep that night and maybe got a few hours in around 1 o'clock, but I was so excited with anticipation that I couldn't get a full nights rest. I woke up around 3 - 3:30 AM to check everything out. So I started fucking around on Reddit again to pass the time. Around 4 AM the same black car pulled up in the same spot it was before. About 2-3 minutes of waiting there, the lights shut off and a man got out. He was a bigger guy around my height (6' 0"), but way bigger muscle wise. Dude could definately beat the shit out of me in close quarters combat, so I knew I couldn't let that happen. The guy was also dressed really nice in a suit. "What a fuckin stereotypical hitman." I thought to myself. I noticed I had the biggest grin on my face again, I felt so alive. The man walked across the street and sure enough went up to my apartment. He took a key out his pocket, put it in the lock and slammed on it with this small metal brick thing. I knew it was a bump key. He then entered my apartment and shut the door behind him. About 30 seconds after he did that I used the binoculars to focus in on his licence plates and wrote down the number. After about 5 minutes he came out and put something in his pocket, I'm pretty sure it was his gun. He also had something else crumpled up in his other hand. He threw it in the gutter, got back in his car and drove off. I waited about an hour and went to go see what he threw out. Sure enough it was the "Tag you're it" note I left him. I started laughing hysterically and knew this was going to be a lot more fun than I could ever hope for.
I went back to my car to try and catch a few more hours of sleep. When I awoke the sun was already up, it was around 8 AM. I drove off to another one of my buddies house who worked for the DMV to get some info from him. He wasn't there so I went to his work to find him. After about 15 minutes when he was in between helping people I walked up to his counter. He was surprised to see me and greeted me with a "What's up man?!" I sat down without saying anything to him and slipped him the piece of paper with the licence plate number on it. "What's this?" he asked. I just looked at him and said, "Don't ask questions, I need the info of the person who these plates belong to." "Dude I can't give that information to you, I could get into a lot of trouble." I pulled out about $200 bucks from my wallet and slipped it to him and said, "Please dude this is really important, this guy wants to kill me and I need this information, my life depends on it. Here's 200 bucks I know you and your wife have been hurting for money." He looked at me with a really serious look and muttered under his breath "Fuck man..." He took the money and put it into his pocket and started typing on his computer. He then got up from his chair and told me he'd be right back. About a minute later he came back with a few sheets of paper. "This is everything I could get on the guy." I looked at him again with a really serious face and said, "Don't mention this to anyone, even your wife. This guy is really dangerous and I don't need you getting involved, and make sure no one can trace back the fact that you looked up this information." He looked back at me and said okay. As I was getting up to leave he just said "Take care of yourself man, and be careful." I told him that I would and that I couldn't thank him enough.
I walked back to my car and started studying the piece of paper, and once again had a huge grin on my face. I now had a bunch of this guy's info in my hands, I knew who I was dealing with. I'm not disclosing the mans name due to concerns for myself and his family so we'll just refer to him as "Mike". Mike was 35 years old, and was registered to an address in Arizona. Like I thought it was a black Chrysler 300.
Now that I had the info I needed it was time to stake out my house a bit more. When I got back it was around 1 PM, and I parked a bit further away this time. I sat in my car for about another hour and when 2 PM rolled around I saw the same black 300 roll up about 2 blocks away from my place again. Further away than the last time, but close enough to watch the place thoroughly. I was only about a mile away from him and he didn't even know it.
So the Burger king I'm in is pretty much dead now and I've been here for quite awhile. I'm need to get back to my hotel and start planning some... stuff. until next time. ;)

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