The Ghost of the Corner

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You know the afterschool group I mentioned? Here’s a story about after I left the school. I will forgive all those people who didn’t come, and writing about this stuff is my way of moving on. So here I go…


That is the question I ask myself every time I pass the corner.

Not just any corner. THE corner.

An intersection where two streets meet.

An intersection where disappointment overwhelmed me.

It was that day. The day when I was hoping for the best.

But of course the best didn’t come.

It was over and I walked away.

Away from the place that crushed my dreams

Away from the room with no one in it.

Until, on the corner I saw someone.

Someone who was supposed to be there but wasn’t.

Someone who was walking away from me.

To a destination I’d never know.

A person who didn’t show up.

And I often wonder

Whenever I pass

That ghost of a memory.


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