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Hi y'all, thanks very much for reading and/or adding this story to your lists, but just before you start reading, I've just got a few things to mention. If you're feeling a little impatient, don't worry, there will be a TL;DR at the bottom.
Okay, this story, Hero Housekeeper will...

1.) ...BE MY FIRST TIME WRITING A 'COMEDY' STORY - Yes! For anyone who's read any of my other works, you'll no doubt know that some of my stories tend to be a bit...uhhh...heavy. And while I have included some comedic moments in those stories, Hero Housekeeper will be my first time writing a story in a 'Comedy' kind of frame. 
Please be sure to rate my comedic 'style' so that I know if I'm doing it write (see what I did there? XD) or if it's not quite hitting the mark. 

2.) ...CONTAIN MEDIUM-LEVEL VIOLENCE - But just because it's a comedy doesn't mean that there aren't going to be any fights! I mean, c'mon, this *IS* a DC Comics fanfiction! And while the violence isn't on par with the gritty stuff you might see in my Young Justice fanfics, you will see some superheroes and supervillains smacking each other around. 

3.) ...REVOLVE AROUND THE 'NEW EARTH' CONTINUITY - As we all know, comic companies like DC Comics *LOVE* messing with continuity and while this story isn't specifically set in *ONE* of these continuities, it will borrow a lot of elements from the 'New Earth' Teen Titans (2003-2011), because I personally view it as one of the better, modern Teen Titans installments

4.) ...EXPLORE UNDER-REPRESENTED SEXUALITIES - This is a big one. While I am an ardent advocate for LGBT+ rights and equality/equity, I do feel that some sexualities like Ace, Demi and Pan are less represented in pop culture than others. As such, the story will feature characters identifying with these types. 
Needless to say, discrimination will NOT be tolerated. 

5.) ...NARRATED THROUGH MULTI-POVS - A minor point, but important. This story will shift between first and third-person POVs, depending on the moments. I know this can be grating, but please bear with me until I find the right voice for the story. Please notify me on which POV style you prefer. 
While this story will focus around the protagonist/OC Nathan, there will be the occasional chapter that focuses on individual members of the Teen Titans. For any characters you want to focus more on and/or see in these kinds of chapters, please leave a message in the comments section.  

6.) ...CONTAIN POP CULTURE REFERENCES - B-99, BTS, Riverdale, Throne of Glass/ACOTAR, PJO (and other fandoms escaping me) members, HOLD ONTO YOUR BUTTS. They'll be several popular culture references in this story ;) 
I won't over-do it, don't worry. 

7.) ...HAVE A TWO CHAPTER 'PROLOGUE' - The first chapter will be a two-parter, simply because it was too long for one chapter. Why was it so long, you ask? Because I need to introduce Nate, let you guys get to know more about him, what the world is like, info on the Teen Titans etc and that simply wasn't possible in just *ONE* chapter. 
But these will be the longest chapters, so it's a cakewalk after that ;) 

TL;DR - This will be a multi-POV comedy story based on the New Earth Teen Titans run with medium level violence, featuring many pop culture references and exploration of under-represented sexualities. 

Whew! Now that all that is out of the way, do enjoy the story. And don't be shy about voting and leaving comments. I love me some attention! XD 

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