8 | Be Polite

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"Ma! Seriously this too much." Prajna whined as her mother dragged around to meet one more Aunty. Sushma glared at her daughter, "What too much? Introducing my daughter to a few people I know is too much? It's called manners!"

"Right..!A few people? You have introduced me to at least more than a dozen of Aunty's, Uncles, their sons, daughters, cousins and what not! I am not a showpiece you can flaunt around."

"Oh, you are. The one that I pushed out of my body. So, keep your mouth shut and meet them politely. No sarcasm."

Prajna rolled her eyes, "What's the point? You won't even tell them my real job!"

Yes, Sushma could never come to terms of the difference between Graphic Designer and Computer Engineer. Since her daughter graduated as an engineer, she will always remain one. No matter how many times Prajna tried to tell her that she had nothing to do with programming, coding, development, etc which actually involves engineering, Sushma didn't bother to care.

"Will you shut up and behave?" Sushma chided finally pulling her daughter towards the seating area. Prajna was cribbing to have her lunch but no! Her mother had other plans obviously.

"Hi again, so this is my daughter, Prajna." Sushma introduced her to the elderly couple. Prajna smiled at them, please note, a polite smile; just as her mother had instructed. The man and the woman, named as Vijay and Anita, weren't as bad as Prajna assumed. Unlike others, they didn't pass any judgment on her. They seemed genuinely curious about her and every time she got a chance to open her mouth they understood her words.

"So you are an Engineer ha?" Anita asked with a smile.

Prajna sighed, without glancing at her mother, she spoke, "Actually, Graphic Designer. I am not involved in any sorts of development. I am more into designing.. Images, pictures, graphics.." She tried to offer examples so that they could understand. Sushma pinched her daughter to which prajna winced, masking it with a cough so as to not let out the scream.

"Oh, Of course, we know about Graphic Designing. Such a beautiful job! You must be really creative!" Vijay beamed much to Prajna's surprise, "You do?"

He laughed, "I own an Advertising Agency. So, I have to know."

Prajna grinned, throwing a smug look at her mother, 'see he knows!' She mouthed. Sushma gave an awkward laugh holding her daughter's arms. "She talks too much."

"No.. Sushma. She is very nice. Well behaved actually. Kids these days, won't bother to talk to any elders for even a minute. She has managed to hang around us for more than 5 mins, she must be something." Anita said with a tiny giggle at the end.

Prajna's smile was shining like a polar star much to her mother's embarrassment. Finally, someone who understands what a good-hearted girl, Prajna is! 'Take that mother! 'She mouthed towards Sushma who cleared her throat signaling her to focus on the couple in front of them.

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