9 | Reject Him

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Prajna had no mood to stay for a reception later that night. But she was forced to, obviously by her mother, who didn't let go of a single opportunity to stick to Vikas's family.

So wherever she looked she either found Vijay Uncle or Anita Aunty or... Vikas who wouldn't stop grinning ear to ear. However, she made sure she wasn't left alone with the most eligible bachelor, Mr. Vikas for more than a second.

So far so good.

Munching on the Paneer Tikka (because she was a self-declared Vegetarian) she watched her mother mingle with Vikas's family as if they were long-lost-siblings. They were all devouring on non-veg dishes that she obviously loathed. One of the reasons why it can't work out! Yay!

That's when she saw Vikas at the pure veg food counter. Wait.. he is veggie too? Ugh! Her mother was going to have a field day.

Sushma hadn't brought up the topic yet. She was trying to make Prajna socialize with Vikas and his family as if they were nothing but someone whom her mother was acquainted with. With politeness of course.

Just as the thought had crossed her mind, Sushma approached her with a plate full of Chicken Tikka and Chicken Biriyani.

Seriously, she wasn't swapped in the hospital, right? She was actually Sushma's daughter, right? How come two people would have such contrasting personalities if they were biological? She rather connected well with her father. Speaking of which she was missing him.

If he wasn't in the Army, going away for months altogether, he could be with her to save her ass from her mother's annoying schemes. He was always her savior, her Superman!

"Praju.. Can I ask you something?" Sushma spoke, making herself comfortable on the seat and placing her plate on the round table.

Prajna didn't look up from her mobile phone she was so cautiously staring at, knowing all too well where it was leading. If Diya hadn't given away the secret, she would have fallen for her mother's game, hard.

"If I ask you to shut up, you won't. So why bother asking at all?" Prajna spoke. Sushma grunted. "I must have really failed to teach you manners. You are such a disappointment."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Can you stop back-answering me? Actually, give up on that sarcasm altogether! I am your mother for God's sake!"

"I have serious doubts about that. You sure?" Prajna asked, finally looking up. Sushma smacked her head. "Keshav has totally spoilt you!"

By Keshav, she means her husband and Prajna's superhero Dad.

"Don't you dare talk ill of Dad! I will steal his gun and shoot you in the point-blank range."

Sushma shook her head, "When he comes home this time, I will have a serious conversation with him."

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