Hi, I'm just a weeb here. I'm going to put all the Anime i've watched and like ye👌 I've been watching them for a long time by now, it made me become a artist when i was 6 or 7 idk. Long time ago so ye, HeRE IS ME LIST YAAA ABOIiiIiiIiIiIIi
Every Anime i've watched (My List)
CasualeEllo weebs diz allz me Anime i've watched, i'll update more as I watched mORE ANIME , ok👌
Hi, I'm just a weeb here. I'm going to put all the Anime i've watched and like ye👌 I've been watching them for a long time by now, it made me become a artist when i was 6 or 7 idk. Long time ago so ye, HeRE IS ME LIST YAAA ABOIiiIiiIiIiIIi