// f o u r \\

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"Break, break, break

On thy cold grey stones, O sea!"

-Alfred Lord Tennyson


My car pulled up to the employee parking spaces and I fortunately found a spot under the shade. Maybe today was my day. I didn't look forward to much in my life but I did like my job.
I waited at a restaurant right on the water and there was a small strip or sand that we had tables on, and most the time the parents ate while the kids played in the sand and swam. It was quite a beautiful place and the atmosphere was great, I was lucky to be here. The slam of a car door broke made me jump out of my thoughts. I locked my car and walked inside.

"Hey Kai. Busy day today. You're working section two."

My boss Kyler blurted as he rushed out the door carrying a tray in each hand. "Eye Eye captain!" I shouted over the hustle and bustle while pulling my still salty and messy hair into a ponytail, going to get my apron and order pad.

I worked tirelessly the rest of the night until closing. My body ached and I was ready to collapse in bed. "You look exhausted. Go home and ill close up." Kyler said with a hand on my shoulder and a weak smile. I shrugged out of his grip and thanked him. He could be a bit creepy at times. "Appreciate it!" I yelled as I walked out the door.
The night was warm and I closed my eyes and just breathed. I smiled as I heard the the crashing of the waves, a sound I've come to love so much. I slipped into my car and my mind fell on the thought of the charming blonde haired surfer boy.

It had been a week and I had sadly failed to see Will anywhere. I almost felt pathetic, thinking about a boy all the time that I only met once. I was starting to think I wouldnt see him again.
Everything was boring as usual, except for the fact that he still had my board, broken in half, and I couldn't surf without a board. I honestly was getting really agitated not being able to surf. I went to the beach constantly but I needed to be in the water, I needed the rush of being on my board gliding down the wave. I almost had enough money saved to buy a cheap bored but almost all my money went to gas and car bills ect.
I got up from my spot in the sand , where I was watching a father teaching his daughter how to surf. I felt jealous of the duo. I wish my father had taught me to surf when I was younger. But he was too busy getting drunk and watching tv, or getting angry at nothing.
It was time to head off to work. It was a Friday and I smiled as I passed by the sno-cone place in the beach parking lot, packed with children with blue, red, and green mouths, sticking their colorful tongues out at each other.

It was another exhausting start of the weekend at work, and I was only halfway through. I had to cover two sections today because my co-worker, Kathy, was out sick. I had barely time to look up when I thought I spotted a familiar tuft of blonde hair. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him sit down at a table in my section. I nervously fixed my hair, walked over, and took out my order pad.
"Hello, my names Kai, ill be your waiter today, can I get you anything to drink?" I asked with my typical sugar coated waitress voice.

"Well isn't it Kai Grey. Just the person I was looking for" He smirked. "What a coincidence bumping into you!"

"Will Reed. What a pleasure."I said nicely but over dramatically. "Now. What can I get you?"

"A water please. And your number." He grinned.

Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I took out my order pad, ripped a page out, and wrote my number.

"Ill have that water right out to you" I smirked setting the page down on the table. I brought him his water and took his order.

The rest of the night went in in a blur. I didn't really have the time to chat because of my shift. By the time it was over he was gone. I gathered up my things and logged out. But as I was walking out someone called my name. "Kai!" Luke exclaimed as he jogged over to me.
"Hey! Whatsup?" I asked curiously.
"Wait, did you stay till I got off my shift?"

"Yeah. I was thinking we could go for a short walk on the beach.?"

"Yeah. Sure. Let me just put this stuff in my car."
I told him. He put his hands in his Volcom hoodie and followed me to my car.
"A jeep! Nice! I have one too." He stated when He saw my car.

"Yeah. This is my pride and joy" I said as I gave it a loving pat. I locked the car and we headed over to the beach in silence.
"I have a surprise for you" he said grinning with excitement in his voice, the moonlight reflecting off his smile.
"Oh really. What is it?" I asked curiously.

"You dont get to know until tomorrow."

"You little shit! I hate surprises" I announced crossing my arms. "You have to tell me now."
"Never!!" He shouted.
"I wont talk to you until you tell me" I said pouting.
"Too bad. You'll see tomorrow." He repeated with a hint of mischief in his eye. "Crap! He said looking at his watch. I gotta go. I thought we'd have more time. Sorry to cut this short. Ill text you tomorrow okay?"

"Alright" I smiled. Luke insisted on walking me to my car and making me lock the doors. "Be careful! Get home safe!" He shouted as he got into his black Jeep and sped off. For a while I sat in my car biting my lip and grinning to myself, still weak at the knees from the surfer boys smile.


Sorry its kinda boring so far I promise it'll speed up soon and I also write this on my phone so sorry for formatting and errors.

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