Chapter 4

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I woke to a fairly annoying beeping sound ringing in my ears. "Huh?" My vision was blurry, but I could breath. I gasp remembering what had happened.

I heard a faint knock at the door. "Come in" I say voice gravely. Man, am I thirsty. My throat is dry and I can barely speak.

My mother came in with June in her arms. I stare at my mother and baby sister for a moment before I smiled.

"Oh good,you're up" she says with a smile. "I'll go get the nurse" she walked out of the room closing the door behind her. After she left Christian immediately came in to the room.

"Oh my gosh you scared me to the moon and back. I thought I lost you." His face was filled with worry and it looked like he might have been crying.

"What happened?" I ask curiously causing Christians eyes to widen. I stare at him for a moment confused as to what I had said. "You don't remember anything?" He asked me.

He seemed shocked as he stared at me. "Well, we were walking down the hallway. I said something that made you laugh there were tears running down your face.

You said something about not being able to breath.

I realized this and focused on my own breathing. It was coming up short as well. So, I grabbed your hand and began to run-" he explains


"So let me get this straight. The ship is running out of oxygen for the people, so they want to send twenty-four teenage kids back to the Earth. Which is cover in greenhouse gases?

They expect our parents to free willingly give their children away? My mom would never do this to me." I speak as I take another drink of the water.

The door burst open and in came my mother with a suitcase. "Okay so your leaving tomorrow. I got your toothbrush,toothpaste, a hair brush some hair ties-" she continues on. "Mom?" "I got you some extra clothes to change into.

There should be a lake or steam somewhere down there.""Mom!" I yell at her causing her to shut her mouth and look at me. My throat hurt from the sudden out burst.

"Yes?" She asks looking right back down at the suitcase. "What's with the rapid talking, the suitcase, and tear stains on your face?" Mom begins to rummage through more of my things.

"You're leaving tomorrow. You need to be packed up and ready to go." She explains while throwing me a pair of jeans and a shirt. "Wait you're not actually letting me go back to Earth. Are you?"

She sighed heavily and looked up. Giving Christian a look of some sort he nods his head. Picking up his things he heads for the door.

Once he's left and the door is fully closed my mother turns back to look at me. "Listen, We're running out of oxygen. We need you teenage kids to live. Your young still, you can live your life.

You can still have children. June is just a baby, and I'm old enough to loose my life. And plus they're having a charity fundraiser. Once you reach the ground, contact me ASAP got it?" My mother pressures.

I nod. I've got one day left on my home ship as to where my mother gets to live and die here. Why did she do this to me.

I want to live and die here too! It's my home and I'm not scared. Can't she see that? I guess not. tears began to run down my face.

"But, I don't want you to die. And, what about June. Like you said she's to young." I explain. "Your going. That's final" She walked out of the room leaving it at that.


I woke up to someone saying my name. "Lilac. Liiiilaac." The voice drew out my name. I slowly opened my eyes to see Miss Kizzy.

I sit up a bit and I see the usual white walls with brown trim. "How did I get to the dorm?" I managed to get out. "The doctors carried you from the hospital wing.

Christian insisted but, they blew him off." I heard a voice come from the other side of the room. "Why are you here?" I turn my direction back to Miss Kizzy.

"It's time for you to get dressed, and ready to board the shuttle" she explains. I nod in understand-meant.

I got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. I grab a spare toothbrush and begin to brush my teeth. Once I'm done with that I spit then rinse.

I brush all the knots from my hair out and place the brush by the sink. Once I'm finished with my daily routine I exit the bathroom.

"Here" I heard my mother say causing me to turn and face her. In her hands was a black duffle bag. "It's your stuff" she explains.

"What happened to the suitcase?" I ask curiously "oh, the elders said no other metals on the space shuttle. They think it'll cause the ship to crash.

So I packed you a duffle." She answers causing me to smile. "I don't want to go. I want to stay.

With you and June in this wonderful dorm." I try to persuade. "No. Your going. Christian is waiting for you." She rejects.

Sighing I take the duffle bag in my hands. Once I say my goodbyes to my mother and June Miss Kizzy leads me to the door.

One we left we headed down the hall. I just don't see how the ship could be running out of oxygen now? It's been running for almost 100 years now.

Why are kids being sent back? Is it because we take up most of the ships oxygen? We enter a room that I didn't even know existed.

On the door it had read 'Top Secret. Keep Out' I looked around the room and noticed twenty teenage kids. Only one stuck out to me though.

"Christian" I say to him. He turns around with a big white smile. "Lilac! I'm so glad your okay!" He says pulling me into a hug.

"Christian I-" I was cut off by a static noise coming from the speakers. "Miles, Crash, and Gasper please go to the shuttle station. I repeat,go to the shuttle station" the man on the intercom said.

Once the static was gone I turned back to Christian "you were saying?" He asked. "Huh?" I reply looking around the room. "Shuttle leaves in five minutes. Please board the shuttle." One of the elders demanded.

"Her goes nothing" me and Christian say in unison. Laughing we both get in line to board the ship. The door to the entrance of the room burst open.

Three kids who I'm assuming are Miles, Crash, and Gasper enter the room. Handing the Elder there wrist which seem to have transmitters on them.

The Elder nods letting the kids enter the line to board the ship. Once me and Christian make it to the front line they ask for our wrist.

Taking a needle they inject a tracking device. The man looks up at us and begins to speak. "These tracking devices will tell us if your alive, starving, dehydrated, or dead.

Your life on the screen will knock if your hurt. Watch yourselves down there." He explains. Me and Christian nod our heads in understand-meant.

Walking in we take our seat. Buckling our seat belts we watch as the rest of the people pile in.

A/N: okay so the moment you've all been waiting for for the last three chapters. Anyway, Vommit, Follow love you always abbyiscrazy12.

P.S: I'm going to update every Tuesday still so. Yeah

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