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I woke up groggily. It's been two years since me and Mason got married and I love him more then ever. But last night I had no sleep, mainly for the event taking place today "morning sunshine" Mason said tiredly as he walked into the room.

He was wearing somewhat of a black tux "it's time to go, we don't want people to be waiting forever now do we" he said trying to be a little funny. there was a knock on the door. "what!" I yelled trying to contain the tears threatening to spill out.

"It's me! Gasper!" Gasper yelled from the door. I got up opening the door, to reveal an also sleepy Gasper. "It's time to go, is Mason in here?" I nodded my head "hey Mason" Gasper said.

Mason answered back quietly while he was trying to get on his tie "Mason, stop messing with that thing. It's time to go" I said frustrated. "Fine" he said grumpily. I walked over to him pecking him on the lips.

"Better?" I questioned, he smiled "a little" I rolled my eyes "idiot" I grabbed his hand walking out of the room, Gasper far in front of us. We walked outside the house and towards the poorly made casket.

Inside laid Christian, burnt badly. The fog had gotten to him two, three days ago, burning him. There was nothing they could do. He had to suffer and die a painful death. "I love you my Elephant" I said, a tear rolling down my face.

Mason hugged me tightly "it'll be okay, he's in a better place." Mason said trying to calm me. I let out a sob falling to my knees in front of the Casket. "It's not fair! He shouldn't have died!" I screamed.

"Shhh" Mason knelt beside me and pulled me into a side hug, kissing me on the cheek. "I'm so sorry he died." He whispered into my ear. I buried my head in his chest as I sobbed.

It was the end, and I knew it. I knew I wouldn't see my parents or my baby sister, June. But I couldn't bare to loose my best friend. Yet, I lost him before he died. I lost him... when he had meant Rachael.

I lost him when I was stolen the first through a millionth time. I lost him when I made the deal with the ground keepers. I lost him... When I met Mason. And now, I see him lay in the casket, because of me.

"Let's go... Let's go Lilac" he spoke picking me up, and lead me back to our little room, where I sobbed quietly in my pillow for the rest of the day.

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