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"Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

The sleeping boy quickly lifted his head, staring at Jungkook as he stood there with his school bag.

"Can I help you?" Jimin ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"I told you I'd be outside waiting for you, why the hell are you sleeping?" Jungkook blankly stared at his friend.

"We don't have sch—"

"Yes we do." Jungkook dragged him out of bed, and threw him to his closet. "Change quickly, were late because of you."

"You know—" Jimin scratched his head. "School's not that important now that I think about it." He jumped back onto his bed.

"Jimin, I'm being serious." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and so am I." Jimin mumbled. "Now shut the fuck up and get out of my room."

"Don't come crawling to me tomorrow when you don't have a ride to school." Jungkook scoffed.

"Oh shit." Jimin lifted his head. "I almost forgot, I need a ride tomorrow."

Jungkook slammed Jimin's door, before running down the steps and out of his house.

"The things I do for people." He muttered while getting into his car.

Jimin stretched, sitting up in his bed. Days like this were gold for boys like him. Both his parents are at work, which meant he could stay at home all day in nothing but his boxers and some of his dad's beer.

He jumped onto the living room couch and reached for the home phone.

"Thank you for calling Pizza Hut."

"Send me one cheese pizza."

"Can I have your name please?" The man asked.

"Bitch, you know my name." Jimin scoffed.

"Alright Jimin, I'll send someone soon." Namjoon chuckled.

Jimin threw the phone to the side as he laid back on the couch. He reached for the remote, raising the tv volume.

You are not the father!

"Yes!" Jimin knocked his drink off the table as he cheered for the man on the tv screen. "Take that bitch!"

Jimin groaned when the sound of the door bell interrupted his victory cheer. "Damn, it was just getting good."

HOLIDAY AFFAIR 2 | 𝐏𝐉𝐌 vs 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now