Chapter one:

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Shizuo's POV:I entered a building that disguised our hide out

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Shizuo's POV:
I entered a building that disguised our hide out. A computer lock was in front of me.
Voice recognition please..
"Let me in already", I said.
Voice recognition accepted..
Fingerprint scan please..
I put my hand on the scanner after it revealed it self.
Fingerprint scan accepted..
Retina identification please...
The retina scanner appeared, I took off my blue shades. The scanner scanned my eyes.
Thank you for your patience, welcome, Shizuo Hewajima, agent #11 Codename: Violent Bartender..
The elevator doors to the underground facility opened.
"That name does not suit me", I thought as walked into the open doors.
The elevator went down with a fast speed. The doors opened to a wide room filled with a lot of nice furniture, and a hole from the last I was here. I was in the lobby of the Durarara agency or the DA, for short. But who do I see lying on the couch fast asleep, a dark raven, with pale skin.  He was wearing a white lab coat and a black dress shirt with black pants and leather black boots with a slight heel. A book was on his chest, he was probably reading it. Though I wanted to punch the shit out of him, even if he looked peaceful and innocent.
The story of me and this bastard:
His names Izaya Orihara, Agent #21 his code name is Raven claw. His height, about 5ft 9, though he's shorter than me. I met him 6 years ago, when were first assigned on a mission together, it was hell. Shinra, Aka: Mad Scientist, decided to introduce us. Ever since then, it's likes he's been trying to kill me. His first words were "I don't like you". On that first assignment, he pretended that throwing one of his knives at me was an accident and proceeded to finish off the enemies we were assigned to kill. The next mission was similar except, that he had to crossdress and pretend to be my wife. He made sure I suffered that entire time, but he never exposed our cover throughout that mission, and that was the only reason I didn't kill him.  Even though he tries to kill me countless times whenever we're on a mission together, we always complete the mission, although he makes my life a living hell.
Back to the story...
He woke up after he sensed my blood lust.
"Shizu-chan, were you staring at me as I slept, that's pretty creepy, even for you".
"Shut up, why are you here"?
"The same reason you are, more than likely", he said before yawning.
He stood up and stretched.
"I was told to wait for you, it was an order, not obligated, if it wasn't I would've gotten the assignment already".

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