chapter Nine:

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Shizuo's POV:
I went to the library,  and grabbed a few books for Izaya.
"Hes actually relying on me for a change,  I'm so happy",  I thought. 
I sensed something,  it seemed familiar,  almost as if that bastard was in the agency.  Shirogami,  I thought I finished that bastard. 
Maybe it's my imagination, I'm probably just overreacting.
I head back got the hospital to see Izaya doing pushups while being alone in his room.
He looked up at me and smile with fear.
"GET IN THE BED",  I yelled.
He got up and got in the bed.
" I mean seriously,  are you trying to reopen that wound, anyway I got you books,  I rather have you read then do any physical exercise right now",  I said with worry in my voice.
Izaya looked away,  while his face was a bit flushed. I put the books on the table next to him.
"I'm sorry",  he said.
I patted him on the head.
"God he's too adorable",  I thought.
He grabbed one of the books,  and began reading it.  The name of the book was Life of the dead,  a detective novel. 
Izaya became immersed into the book,  he couldn't even hear me,  I guess he likes it. Then I see him cry.
" H-hey,  are you okay"?
"I'm fine,  but there was a part in this book that made one of the characters similar to Shiro-senpai", he said with a little smile.
"Hey, don't think about that bastard, all you have to think about is healing, and the person who is going to be taking care of you", I said while patting his head.
"Hey I'm not a little kid, so why are you patting me on he head like one", Izaya asked while blushing.
"Too cute", I thought.
"That's because I...
"Iza-ni", two annoying voices interrupted.
The twins Mairu and Kururi ran into the ward. They hugged Izaya, and they were crying.
"Hey, what's wrong"?
"Dota-chin is a jerk", They shouted.
Kadota walked in the room.
"Hey who are you calling a jerk, all I told is that you shouldn't eat to many sweets, if you were going to give them to Izaya as a get well present", Kadota said.
"Dota-chin", Izaya said.
"Izaya, how's your wound"?
"It's fine, but doctor Shizuo won't let me do any training".
Izaya smiled. Suddenly Kadota's expression changed as his face flushed a bit. He smiled it off, but I could tell he thought Izaya was cute.
"Kadota is in love with Izaya", I thought.
Kadota's POV:
"Izaya is way too cute, but I was already rejected once, I mean I did confess to him after Shiro left him for dead", I thought.
"So mind telling me how you two are getting along even though you were at each other's throats a few days ago", I asked.
"Well he saved my life, and I realized that I was a jerk towards Shizu-chan", Izaya said.
"Hmmm, is it possible that Dota-chin is jealous that Shizuo-San is getting close to Iza-ni", Mairu asked.
"Hey you shut up", I shouted.
"So mean, Dota-chin", she shouted as she hid behind Kururi.
"It's just that, I'm not used to seeing Izaya so happy around Shizuo", I thought.
"Well get better, Izaya, I should take my leave, Erika and the others are waiting for me", I said.
"Take care", he said while waving.
I left the room and I felt my heart drop as I left.
"The thought of Izaya with Shizuo felt heart breaking, but I'll have to deal with it", I thought.

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