Chapter 16

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The gentle flutter of butteries start in the pit of my stomach as they work their way around trapped by my womb. I imagine my child dancing to the sound of the birds morning song. plucking their tiny fingers to the tune of a new day. I rub my hand over my bump letting each finger groove over the stretch marks on my budding stomach and I can feel my child's movement follow closely behind as it presses against my own gentle touch.

The sweet smell of lily fills the air in my bedroom as I lay out feeling the suns beams on my stomach the warmth working its way up to my heart. I am completely content with the weather and my encroaching date with motherhood. the days are becoming longer and my battle for a comfortable sleep are far more tenuous then before.

But my new found excitement to meet my little one has made my battle easier. The nausea is far and few between and whilst my body changes in many ways I didn't foresee nothing can bring my spirits down in this time. 

The joyous news of  John and Anna's newest baby girl, a few months back, has put me in the best possible mood. Her letters make me evermore excited to welcome my own child. She tries to ease my fears and help guide me from afar.

We speak of how Adam is taking to being a big brother and how she can't wait till our children can't play around in the summer while we drink tea and enjoy the sun. How they will grow up together. Marry one of her own one day and we will have wild little grandchildren together.

The things Jacob doesn't want to discuss.

The gentle tap of my ladies maid's knuckle raps against the solid oak doors. pulling my train of thought back int the present. "Come in."

"Are you ready to be dressed for the day m'lady?" Opal's sweet quiet voice sings out.

I look over at her bright clean face as she steps into the suns beams. I slowly hoist myself from my comfortable position to feel the weight of my body press against the cold wood floors.

"what is on your mind m'lady?"

"just joy, pure joy."

Opal's grin breaks free and curves up her apple cheeks. I turn for her and she starts to put on my skirts. I can see the large white clouds slowly sweeping through the air  as I feel the movement of my babe once again.


"My love what do you think of a governess? should we start our search for one or is it too soon?" I look across the large desk as Jacob ruffles his brown hair through his fingers looking over some papers. I fiddle my thumbs around waiting for his reply.

He slowly looks up from his work. "if you wish for one then yes. But don't you think you and the house staff can tend to one child's needs?"

I feel a rush of heat spread across my face. I don't know what to do with a child, especially not an infant. I have even seen a child before young Adam. I myself had a governess most of my childhood.

"Yes dear, but you forget my experience with children is lacking. Wouldn't you think it best to employ someone?"

He sighs deeply and gives me a small strained grin, "You're am other Scarlett it is instinct, you can't teach it. Either you have it or you don't.

"And what if I don't?" I sit up straighter trying to relieve my aching back.

"Well, then we shall hire a governess I assume." he ruffles his hair again.

"So then it's settled. We're hiring a governess." I grin and stand slightly waddling to the door.

"If you truly think it necessary." He goes back to his paperwork hunched over his dark wooden desk the oil lamp flickering next to him. Slowly he dips his quill into the inkwell and begins jotting down letters and numbers.

"Anything I ask for is necessary dear."


Only a few days separate me from motherhood as I anxiously and nervously count down the week.

Thus far I have had nothing on my mind but the small freedom of having my own body back. Of being able to look down at my toes as the curl in the spring grass.

To once again be able to run outside my black hair dancing in the wind without becoming winded.

For my skin to not itch like tiny ants are biting at it as it stretching making room for life.

Jacobs nerves are slight the closer we come to welcoming our baby. He fears something we all fear. Something that he has had to insure before.

The thought of death clouds his excitement but I feel we will both be able to breath once the baby arrives. When a new face can be seen lighting up the days.

Someone I once feared meeting has become someone I can't wait to welcome.


The clock ticks forward in Jacobs office as he sits over more paperwork his hair a mess and clothes wrinkled like the encroaching worry lines on his forehead.

My back aches a slow ache as I stand against the doorframe of his office. My feet tired of holding me up.

He grunts as he flips through pages. He no longer is as fun as he once was. He worries and pushes himself away from me. My teasing is far and few as I am to tired to keep him occupied if he doesn't want to be.

The closer we come to baby Roswell the more distant Jacob becomes.

My back shoots up another pain and this time I try to bite my lip but a small groan escapes.

Jacobs bloodshot green eyes shoot up from his work. His shoulders straighten and I try and grin.

But the pain returns causing me to double over.

I can hear his chair scratch against the food floor and he rushes toward me ushering me to sit.

"Scarlett, what's wrong?" He panics

"Nothing" I barely get out.

"Is it the baby?"

Before I can answer I feel warm liquid flood down my leg and another schooling pain up my back.

"Opal! Send for the doctor now!" Jacob yells as he looks at me fear evident in his eyes.

"It's time." He almost whispers.

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