Chapter 4

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Just inside the church stands Lord Roswell with his hands behind his back. His closest friend Lord Polwest stands next to him commenting on the weather and how it is a Devine day to get married. Lord James knocks on the door and Opal shuffles to it and opens it slightly, "She is almost ready m'lord" Opal grins and Lord Jamesnnods walking away. "Just breath Scarlett." Scarlett fans her flustered face and wills her tired and puffy eyes to brighten up. She paces around.

"Lady Scarlett he seems very kind. I truly think you will be happy." Opal fallows her pacing and fixes the back of her lace white gown. It was her mother's as is was all she could get on such short notice. The door rattles from a knock, "now, Scarlett." Lord James's voice booms. Scarlett freezes and wipes under her eyes. Opal throws over her veil and wishes her luck.

"My you look just breathtaking Dear. Just like your mother." Lord James offers his arm to his daughter. "Thank you Papa." Scarlett barely whispers. She is so nervous she can hardly breath. The pianist begins and her father pulls her down the isle. Lord Roswell is turned away from her but he doesn't seem nervous at all. Scarlett's breaths begin to even as she nears her soon to be husband.

Lord Roswell turns around taking Scarlett's hands. He can't see through her veil but her hands are shaking from nerves. He rubs his thumb over her knuckles trying to calm her. At this sweet notion Scarlett relaxes slightly enjoying the soothing circles. "Do you Lady Scarlett James take Lord Jacob Roswell to be your lawfully wedded husband to have-" Scarlett mouths his first name feeling it over her lips. She quite likes it. Jacob, not what she would have guessed it to be but it is a handsome name. She hears the priest clear is throat trying to get her attention, "Oh, I do." She quickly blurts louder than she meant to. Roswell raises an eyebrow at her. Soon after Jacob is saying "I do." And his large hands pulls her veil back. Her scared blue eyes meet his searching green ones. Jacob leans down and kisses her lips gently and swiftly. And just like that she was Mrs. Roswell.

"I am expecting many grandchildren!" Lord James slurs. He has been filling himself with whiskey instead of dinner. Scarlett blushes and looks over to her husband who is also sipping whiskey. Roswell's eyes catch Scarlett's and she blushes deeper looking back to her plate. "Well, in that case Papa my husband and I should be on our way, right?" Scarlett looks over to Roswell and he coughs almost coking.

"If you're ready." Roswell stands up from the table and helps Scarlett from her chair. "Opal is to come with me. She is packing my bags into your carriage as we speak." Scarlett pats her lips with a cloth napkin. She walks over to her father and kisses his cheek. He is too drunk to process his daughters farewell. "Come along."
Roswell motions for his wife. She obeys and hurries our the door.

"Lord Roswel-" Scarlett is cut off. "I am your husband you may call me Jacob. Scarlet bites her lips. "Jacob, I was just wondering where I am to stay tonight..." Scarlett's fingers find the edge of her hem and she plays with it. "I assume you will stay with your husband but if you're not comfortable I can has an extra room made up."

"Oh, no don't bother. I am your wife now. I have duties I will see too." Jacob laughs and Scarlett's looks at him confused, "What is so humorous?"Jacob reaches out for his wife's hand, "we will not be consummating this marriage Scarlett. Not until we are both ready" Scarlett grins and Jacob is take back by her beautiful porcelain skin and the freckles that stretch across her face. "What if I want to?" Scarlett bites her lip.

Jacob raises an eyebrow. "Lift up your skirts." He demands Scarlett's blue eyes go wide. "Right now, can't you wait until we get to a proper bed." Jacob chuckles running his fingers through his dark hair. "Like I said dear, not until we're both ready." Scarlett scoots towards him her eyes looking between his green ones and his lips

She leans forward and softly kisses him. He puts his hand on the back of her neck pulling her closer. "Is this love?" She moans on his lips as she pulls back. "No, this is lust." He bites her lip pushing her back into the seat. Scarlett doesn't push him off of her. She enjoys every touch and the feeling that crawl under her skin that is begging to be touched. "Make me your wife properly." She pulls back kissing his stubbly cheek.

"I can't." He pushes a strand of her black hair behind her ear. The carriage car pulls to a sudden hault and the coachman hops off and opens the door, "Lord and Lady Roswell." He nods to us. Jacob steps out and offers his wife a hand. So awe struck by the quaint cottage feel stone house covered in ivory she almost falls out. Jacob catches her just in time and she pushes off him to walk around with her hands to her lips. Jack b rolls his eyes at her behavior but can't help but feel happy that his bride loves her new home.

"What do you think Dear?" He places his hand on the small of her back taking in her scent of flowers. "I love it, I can't wait to read books and pick flowers!" She hops around and spins feeling the sun on her face. Jacob excuses the coach and his carriage watching it away. Scarlett picks a small white flower and smells it. "If you like that wait till the magnolia trees bloom." Roswell takes the flower from her and the paces in her hair.

He is much sweeter when it is just the two of them. "Well shall I show you your room." Roswell shakes his head his brown hair ruffling slightly. "Um, my room?" Scarlett twists as she holds her gloved hands over her dress. "M'lady I have taken your luggage up if you wish to change." Opal yells from the front door. Scarlett looks past her husband.

"Are we go not share a room?" Scarlett continues her question trying to get to the point. "Not for now, maybe in future when we become better acquainted." Scarlett laughs, "better acquainted? I am your wife, now is not the time to get to know me." Roswell rubs the back of his neck, "you're being very forward seems as though you are expecting something tonight?" Scarlett's laughter dies down and she pulls her plump pink lumps together.

"No, I have just expected you would want to consummate our marriage. Be one as husband and wife." Scarlett pulls the flower from her hair twirling it between her fingers. The mood is awkward and tense around them. "Then yes indeed if that is what you wish we will share a bed." Roswell cla s his hands together, "What I wish? I wish to make you have, I assumed that consummating would do just that." Scarlett starts to ramble and Jacob smiles.

"You just said that you wanted to share a bed and now you just want to make me happy?" He grins at her flustered attempt to save herself. "Oh I was young and foolish when I said those things, I have grown so much since then, really Jacob keep up!" She flaps her hand at him walking off towards the house. So was that a yes or no to sharing a bed tonight? Jacob Roswell wonders.

The house is quite and relaxing with real wood and cream colors on the walls. There are fresh flowers throughout. "Jakeie is that you?" A girls voice causes Scarlett to jump in shock. She turns around quickly and her eyes meet a girl with brown hair and big brown eyes looking straight at her, "oh goodness." The girl bites her lips. "I see you found Annalise." Jacob comes up putting his hand at the small of Scarlett's back. This is becoming a a popular motion for Scarlett's husband.

"Hi I am Jackie's sister. You must be his lovely wife." Her grin is most comforting as she out stretches her hand. Scarlett takes it shaking is softly. "I didn't know you had a sister." Scarlett laughs looking at Jacob. He is slightly blushing but trying to be stoic. "Well I have family Dear. And Annalise what did I tell you about calling me Jackie it is quite childish and very inappropriate."

Annalise rolls her eyes swatting air at him. "Oh don't get in a tizzy. You're always going to be my Jackie, so you best get use to it." Jacob groans. "So when am I going to have a niece?" Annalise claps her hands together looking straight at Scarlett. "Uh, well as soon as we can I would guess, right my love?" Scarlett has to force the words as her lips aren't use to using them. Jacob looks at her and his green eyes look slightly panicked, "Let is hope for a male heir before we recreate the beauty that is my wife." Smooth quite smooth. "Well we better start trying we have a lot of people waiting on it. Plus what else will I fill my time with if not my wifely duties and children?" Scarlett bitterly joked but the air is awkward.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go find my room and change." Scarlett walks off down the halls and finds a room the the door open. She walks in and looks around for her luggage. It sits upright in the corner and she unpacks a night dress. Scarlett tries to reach around and undo her corset however she finds it impossible. Before she can call for Opal Jacob walks in.

"Can you untie my laces?" Scarlett points to her back. "Can't we call you ladiesmaid." Scarlett huffs, "Oh don't be daft, you're right here, plus you're going to see me naked anyways I am your wife." Jacob starts to slowly undo the laces. "You know we can wait on children if you wish to get more comfortable with your new home and with me." Jacobs breath fans her back. "What's the point? Children are expected, might as well give everyone what they want." Scarlett bites her lip liking his gentle touch. "What do you want Scarlett?" His lips are hovering over the nape of her neck. She takes a sharp inhale and leans her head back. "I want you."

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