Chapter 11

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The carriage ride over is completely silent, deafening with the crackling air surrounding Jacob and Scarlett.

Scarlett looks breathtaking with her always wild black locks tamed into a pinned up hairstyle with two curls dangling down. Her cheeks and lips are rosy and her eyes dart around looking for something to focus on as she plays with the long sleeves of her dress.

Jacob ruffles through some papers and lets out a long sigh. He is tense in the thought of how the night will go. The embarrassment that with unfold as soon as his wife opens her beautiful mouth.

He fusses with his buttoned shirt and overcoat. He fussed with it so much it becomes worse with a frustrated breath he tries to quickly fix it but no avail.

Scarlett's sees his trouble and leans over lightly pushing his hands away as she takes her nimble fingers and fixes the buttons and over coat.

"Thank you." His breath is quiet and soft the sound almost scaring Scarlett as it breaks through the long silence.

"Are you nervous for tonight?" Scarlett breaks out of it.

Jacob slightly smiles at his wife, "should I be?"

Scarlett runs her fingers over his arm and rests it in his open palm. She doesn't say anything.

Jacob grips his large fingers around hers and pulls them up to his lips lightly pressing them on her knuckles.

"You can be very sweet when you want to be." Scarlett giggles and her cheeks blush.

"I will take that as a compliment." Jacob laughs brushing a loose curl behind her ear.

"I think I could love you." Scarlett rests her head on his shoulder.

"I think you're capable of so much my dear, you just need to put your smart mind and mouth to it." He kisses her forehead.

Exiting the carriage there's tribes are slow and deliberate as they come up on the door, it opens up revealing slow passed orchestra music as candlelight flickering everywhere. There are men and women gathered in groups conversing and a small amount in the middle of the floor dancing as onlookers observe.

Scarlett wraps her arm around her husbands for support as the nerves begin to take over her. As soon as she touches him she begins to relax into his familiarness.

"Oh Jacob, Scarlett, welcome come join us." John Polwest waves his arm through the crowd and his wife turns to look at us revealing her growing stomach. Jacob leads Scarlett to the group of people chatting.

"Scarlett this is Anna Polwest, Anna this is my wife Scarlett." Jacob introduces. Scarlett smile and nods to Anna and she does the same.

Anna is petite, dirty blonde hair that loosely curls around her round face as her thin pink lips slip into a grin and her light amber eyes crinkle with her smile.

"Lovely to meet you Scarlett." Anna puts her arm around Scarlett's shoulder, "let us be rid of these men and there lacking conversation. Come join the party with me." And gently pulls Scarlett away and John raises a glass at his wife as she walks away.

"So tell me how do you enjoy married life?" Anna stops in a corner of the room. People chatter and dance while Scarlett tries to think of an answer.

"It is not what I expected it to be." Scarlett lightly crosses her arms.

Anna grins, "It never is at first, but time changes your expectations." She rubs her hand over her bump.

"Are you expecting your first?" Scarlett nods to her gesture.

"Oh, no this is our second, our eldest is with the nanny." Anna stops rubbing her stomach, "Are you expecting children in the future?" Anna pries as politely as possible.

"Now, if anyone could answer that question for me I would be ever so thankful." Scarlett laughs, " Jacob and I agree we should have an heir but, we don't agree on the time to have one." Scarlett looks over to where her husband was and finds the space filled with other people she doesn't know.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to pry, you're new to married life and I just want you to know you have a friend." Anna grabs her hand and rubs it.

"So, your eldest, what is their name and how old?" Scarlett clears her throat.

"His name is Adam, he is just two years of age. He is so stern and focused on all tasks. It amazes me, he only does what he chooses to do and won't hear a word otherwise. Nothing like his father nor I." She starts to rub her stomach again, "I am hoping for a girl this time, don't tell my husband though, you know men." She laughs and pats her stomach.

"I would be happy either way, but if it's not my choosing I would hope for a boy as to not be forced into another pregnancy for a male." Scarlett can't cover her mouth quick enough. Her light blue eyes get huge. "Excuse me that was awful, I wasn't thinking straight-" she rambles.

"Forced... I wouldn't think Jacob to be like that. He is so kind, I didn't know, and here I am going on. Scarlett truly if you need anything at all." Anna looks tearful and no longer proud to show off her bump.

"Excuse me I should find my husband before put even more of a damper on this evening. It is so nice to meet you Anna and I will keep in touch." Scarlett feels her own eyes tear up.

Jacob wouldn't force her into anything on purpose but he may not think he is forcing her.

Scarlett's stomach begins to fracture again and her composed womanly look starts to crumble. Her frantic eyes bolt to the door as she rushes to it covering her mouth.

As soon as the doors open and her heels sink into grass bile rises up and out of her mouth.

"So gentlemen, we are here tonight to discuss a business deal, so let's get down to the fine print. We need investors and you need something to believe in for you to shell out your money." Jacob smiles and the group of men laugh. They all sit and stare up at Jacob and John while quietly waiting for details.

"I have land that gold was found on, a sister mine was mined years ago before my birth, and made my family, and the investors, a great deal of money. Now being a sane man I would mine it with the help of my new wife family money. However, because my marriage is of special circumstances I can not touch the money I would need."

"That is where you gentlemen come in." John adds and they all nod.

"How much are we talking Polwest?" An elder man asks running his hand through his beard.

"We are asking for an investment of $50 each to make up for what Jacob and I lack." John claps his hands together.

"Pocket change fore you smart business men." Jacob adds and it receives a couple laughs.

"Well I think $50 is not a lot to lose if it is a loss and the gain is so much more. I don't know about you gentlemen but I am a gambling man, and that's how I got here." A lively man with light blonde curls adds.

All the men grumble and nod thinking.

"I'll have the money to you Monday." Someone adds. They all start falling in line with there yeses and go about shaking hands.

A knock on the door as it slowly opens stops their celebration. Anna peeks her mousy head through.

"Pardon me gentlemen but Lord Roswell your wife is not feeling well and is waiting in the carriage." Anna slowly closes the door behind you.

"You should go, I can handle the rest from here." John pats Jacobs shoulder and Jacob grabs his over coat and shuts the door behind him as he thanks the men for their time.

He is worried but upset at the same time. He knew Scarlett would find a way to ruin this evening no matter how mad he wanted to believe she wouldn't.

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