Drama, drama

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Part 36:

Hailie awoke to her front door slamming. It was the day before Harry was home, so it wasn't him. Her heart began to race. She got out of bed, and woke Danielle. She told her about the slamming front door, and they agreed to go get Perrie and Eleanor together. They would send them in to mind the kids, and Danielle and Hailie would go check out what the noise was. Danielle was about to open the door. "wait!" Hailie whispered. "what?!" she whispered. Hailie reached under the bed, grabbing her baseball bat, her gun and her torch. She had kept the gun from the day at the warehouse with Conor and Callum, and she just had the baseball bat from playing at weekends with Niall. She gave the baseball bat to Danielle, walking out into the hall slowly. They quickly went into the spare room, telling Perrie and Eleanor what happened, and sent them into the kids. Hailie took Perrie's phone, just incase they had to ring the police. They slowly creeped down the stairs, listening intently for noise. They checked the kitchen, turning on the light. Sitting on the counter, drunk and wobbling, was Callum.

"Callum?!" Hailie shouted. "oh.. Hey H-Hailie.." he stuttered. "no. No. No! Callum, you're off it for over three years! You were a recovering alcoholic!" Eleanor and Perrie walked in, each holding a baby. This seemed to sober Callum up. "who's babies are these?" he smiled, hopping down from the counter. "they're mine, Callum" Hailie sighed. He knew well she was pregnant. Clearly the drink wasn't helping his system. "can I hold her?" pointing to Emma. "you need to sit down first" Hailie pointed to the couch. He nodded, lowering himself into the three seater. Eleanor walked towards him, holding Emma protectively. She glared at Callum, before handing Emma over. She stepped back to where Hailie was. Callum cooed at Emma, playing with her hands. Eleanor leaned over and whispered in Hailie's ear. "I don't trust him" Hailie nodded. "me either. That's why I'm standing basically over him. Especially when he has my daughter" Eleanor smiled. She liked this mother Hailie. She was assertive and protective, but soft. It was nice. Hailie sat down beside Callum. "she's beautiful, Hails" she smiled. "thank you" Callum looked at Emma. "she has Harry's eyes, but your hair" Hailie nodded. "I know. Her eyes are gorgeous. They'd have to be, they are Harry's after all" she chuckled. Callum gave Emma back to Eleanor, who took her upstairs to sleep again. Perrie followed her, cuddling Mason. Danielle patted her shoulder, before heading upstairs to bed. Hailie sighed, collapsing on the couch beside Callum. "what happened, Callum? Why'd you do it?" Callum put his head in his hands. "I saw this" he walked to the kitchen, Hailie following him. He grabbed a magazine off the counter. It was a Kiss magazine. She used to read them all the time when she lived in Ireland. Thinking of back home just made her sad. She pushed it to the back of her mind. "where'd you get this?!" Hailie took it from his hands. "they were selling it in this shop down the road. The front page was what made me drink" Hailie turned the magazine over, looking at the front page. "Harry to marry??" it was a picture of Harry from a photoshoot, smiling, eyes bright. She smiled, flicking to the third page, where two pages had been dedicated to the article. "there's always marriage rumours Callum, you've seen them" she began reading he article. Callum pointed to a picture in the corner. "there was never a picture of Harry buying rings though" there it sat. Harry and.. Jack and Conor Maynard? Standing in a Tiffany's, Harry smiling at the shop assistant, who was holding out a large podium of jewellery. Okay. It wasn't just rings. He could've been buying a necklace, or a pair of earrings. Maybe he was just looking. She repeated all of this to Callum. "I don't know. It just made me sad. You guys are moving way too fast" Hailie looked at her feet. "not really" she muttered. "Hailie, you guys already have kids! Harry's gonna be twenty one tomorrow! You're only just gone twenty! He's looking at rings? Most people our age are only getting into relationships now!!" he panted. She brushed hair out of her face. "I think it's time you went home, Cal" Callum looked hurt. "Hails?" she shook her head. "you wouldn't be saying this if you hadn't drink on you. It's time for you to sleep it off. Go on" she directed to the door. He walked past her. She walked him to the door, watching him cross the road and unlock his house. He waved, before going inside. She closed the door, locking it. She slid down it, sniffing. Was all he said true? Did everyone think this? Hailie didn't think they were moving too fast. Yeah they had kids, but they were three years together. She loved Harry. She knew Harry loved her too. Tears fell from her eyes. "Hails?" Hailie looked up. Perrie was standing at the top of the hall, in her pyjamas, looking at her. Hailie smiled. "yeah?" Perrie walked towards her. "you okay?" Hailie looked at her feet. She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "tell me what's wrong" Perrie pulled her into a hug. "it's just, Callum thinks we're moving too fast! But I don't think we are, like the whole things with engagement rings, that's fine, it happens all the time, but I think the babies threw him off a bit" she nodded. "honey, Callum's just jealous. You could see it in the way he looked at you and Harry. He wants that. The way he talks to Harry, it's just there. You can see it in his eyes. Don't worry about it, chick. You're not moving too fast, okay?" Hailie nodded. Perrie put her arm around her shoulders. "c'mon, let's get you some sleep" she led her upstairs to where Danielle was sleeping.


Okay guys! What did you think of Callum's drunken state?


@LoveThatCurly x x

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