A Matter Of Family

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Kara was thankful. She was thankful for a lot of things. Meeting Alice and Luther. Rose getting them to Canada. Rose's brother taking them in until all the chaos ended. Todd trying to be a better person. Markus getting them passports. Yes there were a lot things Kara was thankful for. There were very few things she regretted. One thing that stood out was leaving the android Ralph. He had helped her and Alice and she had run away leaving him in the mercy of the deviant hunter. She was sitting in the living room of Rose's brothers house, whose name was Jason, and had a less than content look on her face.

Alice, bless her, was extremely worried about Kara. Something was wrong and Alice didn't know what. Alice coming to a decision to help Kara puffed out her chest and walked over to Kara. She keeled in front of her and put her hand on Kara's knees. Kara looked over to Alice and smiled. "Alice what are you doing up? It's almost 11 you should be asleep." Alice climbed onto Kara's lap and hugged her. "Alice?" Alice hugged her tighter. "What's wrong mom?" Kara swears she felt her heart stop at that moment. 'Mom? I like that.' Kara smiled. "Nothing honey." Kara placed a hand on Alice's head and smiled. Alice didn't look convinced but went back to her room. Kara sighed.

Luther walked into the room not 10 seconds later and sat next Kara. Kara moved at rested her head against Luther's shoulder. "What's wrong Kara? Alice is worried and so am I." Kara didn't respond, she only moved closer to Luther. "Kara please." She sighed. "I'm worried about an android that helped us a while ago. I'm worried about all the people that helped us across the border. I wonder what is happening in Detroit and I'm worried." Luther frowned. "Who are you speaking of...specifically?" "Ralph." Luther didn't know who that was. "Who is Ralph?" "He helped Alice and I escape the deviant hunter. He is a WR600 that was severely damaged by a group of humans. He helped us and we just left him behind." "Kara..." "We left him..." Luther side hugged Kara. "It's okay Kara..." "No it's not Luther! I want..." Luther nodded to tell her to continue. "I want to go find him." "So go back to Detroit?" Kara nodded. "Yes but only to find him. I want to make sure he is okay." Luther nodded. "Okay. Go to sleep Kara we will leave tomorrow." Kara looked up at Luther surprised. "Really?!" Luther nodded again and smiled. "Do not worry Kara. We will find him. I'll contact Markus tomorrow, let him know we are coming." Kara nodded and hugged Luther. "Thank you."

They left the early in the morning. Jason and Rose hugged them and wished them luck. They were friends with the people at the border so they got across easily. Their car was nearing Detroit and Kara was getting anxious. She tried so hard to get out of Detroit that at the moment she was incredibly nervous that something bad would happen. The family neared New Jericho, which was formally Cyber-life tower, and saw Markus standing out front with another android. They didn't recognize this android. He had short blonde hair and light blue eyes. Markus smiled as they stepped out.

"It's nice to see you guys again." Kara smiled back. "You too Markus." Markus waved for them to follow. "Okay so I did a little research into this 'Ralph' character you were telling about and unfortunately I could not find him. I'm also not exactly sure where this abandoned house is so.... You're going to have to show me." Kara nodded. They walked further into New Jericho and the group could help but marvel at the grandness of the place. They saw a few familiar faces that they saw on the ship before. The blonde android had left them a few minutes prior and they saw him again talking with two androids near the back wall. Kara froze. There standing across from him was the deviant hunter.

"Kara?" Markus waved a hand in front of her face effectively blocking her view of the deviant hunter and making her snap out of it. "Sorry what?" "Are you okay? You looked scared for a second." Kara stuttered. "I-I don't..." Markus turned around to see what she was looking at. He turned back a second later confused. Did he not see the deviant hunter? Kara could see him again. She was to busy running before to get a good look at him. She remembered his eyes though. Devoid of emotion and far too determined to get her. Markus followed her gaze and a look of understanding crossed him face. "Have you met him before?" Markus asked concerned. Kara and Alice nodded. "Yes before you helped us... he was the last one to see Ralph." Luther put a hand on her shoulder, calming here. Markus had a look of understanding. "Do you want me to ask him for you?" Was he even deviant? He probably was otherwise Markus wouldn't be so calm. She wanted to talk to him but she was scared so she nodded.

Markus nodded and started in the deviant hunter's direction. She realized she didn't even know his name. "Hey Connor!" Markus shouted. The deviant hunter looked over. So his name is Connor. Okay. Markus was making gestures and pointed at them. Connor looked over and his face became shocked, then he looked away with an unreadable expression. They were too far away to see properly. Markus though put his hand on Connor shoulder, exactly what Luther did just a minute before. Connor smiled softly. Markus once again gestured to them. Connor nodded slightly. Markus started to walk back to them. Kara noticed his saddened expression and she panicked slightly. "What did he say." Kara asked anxiously. "He doesn't know but I suggest you go check out the house. I would go with but I have some things to take care of. If you want I could send someone with you." Kara shook her head. "No thanks we will take care of it." She mostly denied because she was slightly afraid that Markus would have Connor go with them. She slapped herself mentally. Stop it Kara, he is a deviant now there is no way that he would attack you. Maybe. "At least let someone take you over there. It's on the other side of the city." Kara nodded. "Okay. Meet out front I'll have Simon take you there."

They waited out front for about five before they saw a car pull in front of them. The blonde android smiled at them and beckoned them into the car. They clambered in and buckled in. "So Simon right?" Luther asked sitting in the back with Alice. Kara was in the front next to Simon. He nodded. "Yes nice to meet you guys." "Nice to meet you too." Alice said. Simon smiled. They pulled up to the building with instructions from Kara on how to get there. They pulled up next to the building. Kara duly noted that it actually looked worse than before. "I'll wait in the car." She heard from Simon. She nodded, grabbed Alice's hand and walked towards the building with Luther following close behind. She went around the door. She knew that Ralph was, for lack of a better word, unstable. So she made it so she was in front of Alice.

She reached out and gripped the door handle, testing it. It opened easily and the group slowly walked in. "Ralph?!" Kara yelled. It echoed throughout the house, making her shiver. Alice tried. "Ralph!? It's Kara and Alice!! Please come out!" Still nothing. They were about to leave when they heard creaking on the stairs. They whirled around to see Ralph standing on the stairs with a shocked expression. "Ralph!" Alice yelled out happily. "Kara?" The android asked skeptically. "Why is Kara here? Did she not go to Canada?" Kara smiled. "Yes Ralph we did and we have a life starting there but we came back to get you." Ralph looked touched. "Kara and Alice came for Ralph?" The family nodded. Ralph exclaimed happily, ran down the stairs and over to the family. "Kara and Alice have come for Ralph!" Alice cheered and hugged him. He hugged back.

Ralph looked up and seemed surprised. "Who is that?" He pointed to Luther. Alice took it upon herself to introduce him. "Ralph this is Luther. He's kind of like my dad." Ralph's face fell. "I thought Ralph was... never-mind." He smiled. Alice continued not really fazed by Ralph interruption. "Kara is like my mom and now that you are here you can be like my brother!" Alice exclaimed happily. "Brother? Ralph would like that." "Come with us Ralph, we will make sure nothing ever happens to you again." Ralph smiled and nodded. They went to the car and they watched in amusement as he marveled over it. They quickly stopped at Jericho to say goodbye to Markus and then Simon drove them to the border. When they got back to Jason's house they had to calm Ralph at the sight of the humans, explaining that they were nice and helpful. He decided to trust them. The family was surprised the next Christmas with a house from Rose and Jason. They lived there for a very long time. They would occasionally go back to Detroit to visit Markus, Simon, North, and Josh. The next time after finding Ralph though she saw the deviant hunter again. Gathering her courage she talked to him and discovered she enjoyed it. He was funny and sweet, a direct opposite of what he used to be. Every time after that she looked forward to seeing Connor and sometimes the human friend he had named Hank. Alice loved Connor and would get really excited every time she saw him. He was incredible sweet, he treated her like a princess and Alice loved it. She had started calling him and all the other leaders of Jericho her Aunt (North) and Uncles.

Ya Kara was thankful. She was thankful for a lot of things. Meeting Alice and Luther. Rose getting them to Canada. Rose's brother taking them in until all the chaos ended. Todd trying to be a better person. Markus getting them passports. But now most importantly, this crazy and wonderful family she was apart of.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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