ESTP-T (As the River meets the Sea)

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For too long, I have comforted myself
In this dark abyss from which I reside
And for too long as well, I thought oneself
Can live life long as we move with the ebb

And yes I'll admit that I never prayed;
Wished that nothing shall arrive anymore
For the tranquil thoughts I often made
Was enough to put my heart in fervor

I never knew just how wrong I was
As out of the blue, you barged to the scene.

Unlike the stable mind that I have made:
Which I have put to test and always won
Yours is a fervous one, prone to belays
To which I strongly detest, and wish you throw.

Yet, at the same time I cannot fathom what I feel
When the skins of two opposing forces finally attract
You make me feel fine
Made me feel things never felt before.

How is it that, as we brush each other's lips
The chorus of a thousand flock
Sing their songs in unison;
Or that when stroke the coarse manes of our hairs.
A million more cry for our luck, death, and eventual rebirth?

The untold truth is that, though you are rapid, impetuous, and loud
I can be just as worse, even more.
I just hide myself in a façade.
But your force pushed my tide off course.

So I thank thee, whoever you might be
For in moments where it felt like my heart's stone
You weather the rock, with the mist putting a glee
In my face etched with lines, a walking tome.

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