I dont know what to name this chapter!!!

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Wally POV.

I dug with all my might as Connor lifted a large price of cement.
The broken,  baby bird came into view.

His right arm and leg was crushed under half of the building.
His face had a painful expression on it. 

My eyes trailed down his body,  as they met with a rusted pole sticking our from his abdomen.

A pool of blood was underneath him.
  I could feel my eyes widening at the sight.

" No no no!!! " I said,  jumping into the hole,  and sitting next to him.

I held his limp hand in mine,  feeling for a pulse.

  I sighed with relief as I felt a faint beet of his heart.

" He's alive!!!  But weakening! "
I called above,  squinting in the light.
I held his hand tightly. 

His leg was also twisted at a painful angle.

" Oh dick... How do you get yourself into these situations? "
I whispered into his ear. 

His skin was pale from the blood loss,  and almost looked see through.

I always knew dick had gone through injury's,  but I wondered if he had gone through one this bad.

" Guys!!!  We need the bio ship!!!!  Do your best to find it!!!  Leave me with the light!!! " He calls above

Team POV.
" You sure!? " Megan asked,  worried about the storm and Robin.

" Positive!! " The team heard Wally yell back.

" You heard him,  let's go!! " Aqualad said,  starting to rush where they thought the bio ship could be.

The team followed,  desperate to find the ship.

There Robin was the youngest,  and probably the most fragile. 

Robin POV-
I had no idea where I was,  as I could only see black.

I floated around in the dark,  reaching my limbs out,  trying to feel for something.

" HELLO!? " I called out,  hoping to get a response. 

What I didn't know was that I was trapped,  floating in my mind.

I floated there,  trying to not panic,  and to find ways out if the situation. 
The darkness started to fade,  as I saw the team. 

They were laughing around a table,  and the strange thing was,  I was there to.

I watched as we played a game of monopoly, trying to explain it to Conner and m'gann. 

I watched happily,  enjoying the peace of the dream. 
What I forget about was the state my body was in outside of the dream...
Hey guys!!!  Raven here!!!  I am super sorry for how late this chapter came out,  and how short it is.  Schoolwork has been overwhelmimg and also a lot of personal things I have had to deal with.  I want to thank you for the 1.56k views!!!  It means a whole lot!!!!  Well....  I will try to pull through to write another chapter that is a little longer before the end of the month.

Stay turbed!!!!

Word count- 475 words

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