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Gilbert frowned. Matthew hadn't been on the group chat in over a week. Everyone was getting worried. The poor albino thought it was his fault.


Awesome: am I really that ugly that I scared off Birdie?

PastaLord: my money is on idiota one

Tomate: So mean, Lovi!

Hipster: guys I can't talk rn school stuff ttyl, but good luck with your hideousness

PastaLord: Have fun little hoe

Hipster: thanks you too sassy bitch

Tomate: Ooh! What if we did a video chat when Matthew comes back??

PastaLord: god really? No thanks

Tomate: aww why?

PastaLord: Bc i dont wanna now bye

Tomate: aw

Gilbert laughed and looked to his friend which was at the desk beside him, "Loser, can't get his attention~"

Antonio pouted, "It's just not fair, he doesn't respond well to anything I do!" He whined.

Francis leaned his head over, "Maybe you should text him over PM?" He suggested. He was a romance expert.

"Hm... maybe..." Antonio hummed in thought. Before there was any resolution Francis's phone rang.

Francis saw the caller ID and perked up immediately, "Hi mon Cher! How are you??? And school? Me? Non, I'm not busy. We're in Mr. Heracles's class, he sleeps during the second half. Oho?" His eyes trailed to his two friends with confusion written on his face before a knowing smirk played his lips, "Okay~ if that's what you wish." He pulled the phone away from his ear and handed it to Gilbert, "for you."

Gilbert blinked, "eh? What?" He took the sleek phone, "hallo?"

"Uhm... Gilbert?" A soft voice spoke.

"Ja, zhat ist me." Gilbert spoke back with even more confusion.

"It's... Uhm... it's me... Matthew."

Gilbert dropped the phone, "HOLY SHIT" everyone immediately turned to stare and he let out a manly yelp before tumbling about the phone, "I-I mean- hi. Wassup? How do you do?"

There was a gentle giggle, "I'm doing fine... I'm sorry for not messaging, I was just nervous."

"Nervous? About what? And how do you have Franny's number? Did Leon give it to you?"

"No no, it wasn't like that. Actually, Francis is..." There was a pause, "he's my, Uhm, cousin."

Gilbert blinked and looked at a smirking Francis, "Y-Your cousin?"

"Yep! Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that, sorry to interrupt your class... I'll be back on soon. Have a nice day, Gilbert!" With that, the call ended.

"Oh mein gott."

"Oh my god is right, Gilbert." Francis smirked and leaned against the desk, "so, want to tell me all about how cute your Birdie was again?"

Gilbert smacked his head on his own desk and sulked there. "This is the worsssst..." he complained, but then he sat up, "but his voice was also so cute!" A blush spread across his cheeks.

Antonio just watched in shock before grinning.


Tomate: hola guys! Guess what!

PastaLord: you finally stopped being annoying?

Tomate: rude! Anyways, turns out Matthew is Francis's cousin! Isn't that funny??

PastaLord: Holy shit, no kidding

Hipster:  i got awoken from my afternoon nap for this?

ChingChong: boo hoo precious baby

Hipster: you're just mad you can't find me

ChingChong: Shut up. So that explains why Matthew freaked out and left for a while

Tomate: haha! Yeah! Gilbert is so embarrassed rn!

Awesome: I will literally hire Lovino to murder you don't test me

PastaLord: Watch your ass Antonio

Tomate: stop ganging up on meeeee

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