Seriously ;)

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Jacks Pov

So I'm getting ready for school. It's a week after the water balloon incident. I'm wearing all white today. Yeah crazy. Well I'm gonna go pick up Zach.

J- Zach I'm here.

Z- okay I'm coming out

J- I thought you already did

Z- shut up jack

J- haha ok see you :)


Zach gets in the car and he's in all black. Wow what a contrast.

"So you ready for school" he asks me

"As ready as I can be" I said pulling out of the drive way

"Yeah same" he says

"Well there is a football game today" he said

"Yeah I heard" I said

"You wanna go with me?" He asks

"Sure.i have nothing else to do" I said

"Okay sounds good" he says

(Time skip)

"So guys I have a football game today" Jonah says considering he plays

"Yeah we know me and jack are going" zach says

"Yeah we are too" Daniel says pointing to him the girls and corbyn

"Cool I'll have a crowd" Jonah says smiling

"You always do" Corbyn says laughing

"Okay well let's get to class" Daniel says

"Yeah let's go" I say

(Time skip)

So we get to the game and head to the bleachers. They were really full. So we set with the gang. I sat by Zach of course.

"WOO GO JONAH" Christina shouts


"WOOO LETS GO BOYS" Gabbie screams

"YEAH LETS GO JOJO" corbyn screams


"LETS GOOOOO" zach screams

"YEAHHHHH" I scream

They take the lead 24-12. Honestly the other team sucks. And we win most of the games anyways.

"So Zach tomorrow wanna go on a date?" I ask him

"What!?!?!?!?" He says

"Will you go out with me" I say. Sure it was random but I wanted it to be.

"Um yes. But I haven't even told my parents yet." He says his smiling leavening his face

"That's okay. No rush." I say

"Aww your the sweetest." He says smiling. We intertwined our hands and the rest of the game just flirted with eachother. No one noticed considering they were paying all their attention to the game.

"YES JONAH" corbyn screamed when he scored another touchdown

"THATS MY MANNNN" Tate screamed. And Jonah loooked at her

"LETS GO JOOO" Daniel screamed

"THE QB IS DATING MY BESTIE" Christina screamed

They won of course and we all got out of the bleachers and waited for Jonah to come out of the locker room.

"Hey Christina guess what" I said as the rest of my friends went back to the concessions

"Yeah jack" she says

"I asked out Zach" I said smiling

"OMG NO WAY" she said hugging me

"Yeah. And he said yesss" I said

"Omg congrats jack" she said

"Thanks I'm so nervous" I said

"Don't Be. Be yourself you guys already know eachother so it makes it less awkward" she said

"Yeah I'll take your advice." I said

Then Jonah came out of the locker room and we all congratulated him and went to our cars and went home.

Wow Im going it with Zachary Dean Herron tomorrow. Damn.

So guys at the beginning of the story I had a big plan for this but then I didn't do it. I changed it a lot. So honestly I feel like this is changing to Shit. Idk what to do with it but y'all seem to like it.

𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕡𝕡 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now