Coming out

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Zach- hey jack I need help

Zach- jack

Zach- jack please

Zach- call me

Zach- Seriously I made
          A mistake

Zach- jack please


"jack" zach said sobbing

"Zachary are you okay" I said in the ohone worried

"I decided to come out to my parents and my dad hates me" zach said

"I'm coming over right now" i said rushing out the door keys in hand

"Okay I'm walking down my street" zach said
(Call over)

5 mins later

"Zach get in" I said pulling up next to the tear stained boy

"Jack I- I don't know what I did wrong" zach said getting in the car

"Hey it's okay don't cry" I said patting his leg

"I shouldn't have told them without you there. Then they would maybe have understood more. My dad has always been a traditional person but I thought me being his soon he wouldn't care. My mom didn't care tho. She just didn't try to stop him." Zach said

"Hey you can stay at my place for awhile if you want to. You can just wear my clothes so we don't have to go back there." I said driving down the street

"I would really like that" zach said

We pulled into my drive way and got out. My moms home so I have to talk to her about letting him stay. I bet she won't care and will understand.

"Hey mom I'm home" I said

"Hey baby." My mom said

"Hey can we talk to you" I said pointing to me and Zach

"Yes of course what is it" she asked us

"Well Zach you want to tell her" I asked him

"Yes. Well I came out it my parents as gay and my dad is very mad about it. Do you care if I stay here for a while? It's okay if I can't I understand." Zach said

"Of course you can stay. I'm proud of you for coming out. And your father shouldn't care about you sexuality. Love has no gender. Stay as long as you need" my mother said and me and Zach both smiled and Zach hugged her

"Thank you so much Mrs.Avery I really appreciate it" zach said

"Your welcome. and call me Kristen" she said

"Okay mom we're gonna go upstairs" I said as we made our way to my room

"Well Zach this is my room." I said

"No really I thought it was the bathroom" zach said laughing

"It could be you never know" I said laughing

We stayed up there playing guitar and singing. It was fun. Then my mom cooked supper so we ate it and took showers and got ready for bed. Tomorrow is gonna be along day. Well really this week is.

Sorry for the short chapter. It's just one to show what has happened in Zach's life. Or atleast that day

𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕪𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕡𝕡 - 𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕪Where stories live. Discover now