junhan ■ jun's model baby

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where jun just graduated in college when he met jeonghan, a year older than him.

it was a saturday morning in jeonghan's very comfty loft apartment and he decided to visit the fate's heart cafe.

he knew he would soon regret this because this cafe has limited chairs and tables for strangers to share a table but hannie didn't care at that time. he had no food in the house and grocery shopping is too tiring early in the morning.

luckily when he arrived there he saw a vacant table and quickly put his things there so no one would come.

he walked to the counter and surprisingly he had ordered hot chocolate. usually he would have a warm cup of coffee but hot choco just seemed to be a good choice at that time.

he sat in his table hugging his large bunny stuffie and waited for his hot choco.

usually, he would hate being like this in public but he really wanted to feel like a baby at that time. maybe because his roommate jisoo babied him before, when he was still living in the dorms or maybe because he just goes through so much stress finding a job that he wants to be like a baby.

even though jeonghan did want to feel like a baby, he also brought the stuffie to prevent people from sitting with him. he would do this occassionally and it worked every single time so he wondered why a handsome man was sitting in front of him giving him his hot chocolate.

just a while ago the boy had entered the shop and approached him.

"may i please sit here?"

jeonghan tried to look intimidating and put on a poker face staring (not glaring) at him. he thought the boy would have felt uncomfortable and left but he did not. a sigh left hannie's mouth as he nodded.

he knew wearing a pink shirt wasn't a good idea but what could he do? he was lazy and hungry.

his regret was soon replaced by happiness as his hot chocolate arrived. he avoided all possible eye contact with the stranger as he was enjoying his hot chocolate.

a small ding turned his attention to his phone which showed a notif that he was once again rejected for a job.

another sigh left his mouth,

"why is it so hard to get a job?"

hannie muttered.

"well, you can work at my place. by the way i'm wen junhui. you can call me jun."

jun said.

"what exactly am i to do? nice to meet you i'm yoon jeonghan."

jeonghan said, automatically smiling awkwardly because he was starting to get embarrassed.

"well you'll just clean my place and cook for me for a whole day and you can go home. i'm usually out of the house from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm so i'm usually tired when i come home and there's no one to cook for me."

jun explained and stared intently at jeonghan, who was feeling pressured to give an answer right away.

"u-uhm okay. how much would i get as payment? and when will i start?"

jeonghan asked feeling nervous.

"how about you start now and we'll talk about your payment in my apartment."

jun proposed to which jeonghan nodded.

in jun's house

"u-uhm i'll go now jun. also thank you for helping me."

jeonghan said feeling more and more embarrassed after learning that jun, his employer, is younger than him.

he had given him his full trust and he hoped that the boy would help him just as much as he would help him.

in jun's apartment

jun couldn't believe what he just did. he practically asked an angel to work for him.

he sees the bunny stuffie that jeonghan had brought earlier. little did he know that that stufie would stay there lomger as he expected.

after 3 years

wen junhui didn't just help him. jun loved and will always love jeonghan. it was the same for yoon jeonghan. jeonghan made and will continue to make jun happy. how?

jeonghan and jun will continue to love and make each other happy by being each others' one and only fated one.


hope you enjoy my first short story! ♡

these are jun and jeonghan's outfits:

these are jun and jeonghan's outfits:

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sorry its quite blurry

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