gyuhan ■ strict mom

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wherein jeonghan secretly likes mingyu, who also likes him

"hey hannie! why don't you just accept him already?! he literally announced to the whole school that he likes you!"

taehyung, my classmate and friend, whisper-shouted.

"taetae keep quiet! they might hear us! also you know about my mom right?"

i replied getting paranoid. i mean who wouldn't be? when the person, especially your crush, you are talking about is about 2 meters away and your friend is whisper-shouting, basically shouting, things you wouldn't want them to hear, wouldn't you be nervous? anyways,

"well i know her of course! she isn't homophobic and she knows you're gay so please confess already! she's a loving mother! she even treats me nicely!"

taehyung reasoned trying to make a point.

"she treats you nicely because you're a bottom! and she clearly knows i am too! she knows that a bottom + a bottom is a big no so she isn't alarmed. and you don't know her that much yet. i am telling you it took years before i got to use social media since she was afraid i would talk to some random dudes and get myself into trouble. i am not that dumb. also, she
would either kill me or gyu if we become boyfriends."

i said.

"well, good luck with your heart there. i promise you, you will only experience heart-wrenching pain by not accepting him."

taehyung said. so i teased him.

"well, at least my crush likes me back even if he doesn't know that i like him. unlike someone, the boy's crush knows the boy likes him but he still ignores the boy."

taehyung getting embarrassed quickly replied.

"at least i got the guts to confess to my crush! unlike you!"

i laughed at his sped up speech.

"i was just teasing you, geez. no need to be super embarrassed."

i said.

"hmph! let's just go to class!"

he said making me giggle lightly.

back at jeonghan's house

"i'm back, mom! did you buy me ice cream?"

i ask but no one answers so i got up changed to a simple shirt and short combo and wait for mom downstairs.

"mom? why isn't she replying? she said she will be at home today?"

suddenly the door opened revealing mom with a big man carrying my mom's things.

"hi dear. sorry i just arrived now. my car broke down just at the other block after getting your ice cream. luckily though, this young man helped me push the car here."

mom said to me while pointing to mingyu.

wait? mingyu?!

my eyes widened but i tried to keep chill as possible yet i knew i looked terrible. ffs, i was only wearing a shirt and some old shorts on.

"hi, mingyu."

i said trying to let my mom know he was my classmate.

"hi jeonghan!" he said grinning his puppy smile at me. (melted me for a sec btw)

"here is a glass of water, thank you for helping me." my mom says giving the glass to mingyu who was drinking it.

"so are you my son's boyfriend?"

and with that i felt two things on my face.
1) i felt my cheeks and ears burning a crazy red.
2) and i felt my face being splashed with water and probably my crush's spit.

"oh my gosh! i'm so sorry han! wait! um, maam? do you have a towel here?"

mingyu said panicking.

"wait i'll get it. it's upstairs."

"thank you, maam. turns to me wait i'll just use my sleeves to wipe you a bit."

mingyu inches closer which gave me the access to stare at his features but i did not. i might faint looking at his face so i looked at his eyes which wasn't focused on my eyes but on my face.

i just stared there letting him wipe my face not knowimg what to do.

then we made eye contact. which didn't help since my face was burning up again.

fortunately, my mom came cutting off our stares.

"so are you boyfriends?"

my mom asked again and mingyu was about to say no but i pinched him and answered instead.

"w-we are together, mom. i'm sorry for disappointing you but i really like him."

i said. i don't know what came over me but i knew i was happy.

i looked over mingyu and saw him looking at me with the biggest grin that made me grin too.

"well, i am disappointed in you son."

my mom says making us drop our smiles.

"why didn't you tell me earlier that you have an amazing tall boyfriend? if he was some other guy i wouldn't be happy but he seems like a good guy. and if he isn't he might learn that i'm not a good guy too."

she said smiling.

"don't worry maam. i will take care of you son."

mingyu said.

"it's good that you know your responsibilities."

fast forward on monday where jeonghan tells taehyung his love story

"and after that friday when you talked to me and all that mom event, we became together. we became boyfriends. and besides that, i don't have a strict mom anymore."


hope you enjoyed this :)))
especially you, D3athT0Panda5

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