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Jisung pulled back, leaving me in complete shock. He again covered my eyes and gently lead me somewhere, which I figured as the hallway down to Felix' room. "Jisung. I really like your hands, they're extremely soft but would you mind stop covering my eyes? I'd like to see something!"
"No excuse me. But I can't let you see this. It will hurt you and I don't want you to be hurt." He answered with a low voice. "Jisung.... what is it?" I whispered. "I can't show you."

Some door was opened and Jisung kept walking with me in his 'backpack'. "Hey Felix. How have you been?" I heard Jisung say, which felt like a knife inside my chest. I pulled away the hands from my eyes, squeezing my eyes shot again because of the bright light shining into them.
"Hey Jisung Hyung. I'm pretty good. The doctor says I'll be able to leave-"
"The doctor?! Which doctor?!!" I interrupted him nervously. "Uhm... i think his name was Dr. Woo. He isn't there anymore though. He went to Canada because of a better job. Why are you so nervous?"

My heart started racing and a really loud noise somehow stopped me from hearing anything. It was extremely high and I could only see Jisung's and Felix's mouth moving but couldn't understand what they were saying. I began sweating really hard and I became dizzy. I suddenly had a really bad headache and I found it hard to breathe.

"J-Jisung...... I-I can't he-hear you..." I managed to say and Jisung's eyes widened.

And then everything got black...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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