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Cautiously and slowly, Cole walked up the two girls who were fuming.

"Cole, what were thinking? Hooking up with the both of us, are you insane? What made you think we weren't going to find out?" Shouted Lexi.

"Girls, I can explain! I really didn't want you to find out this way, I swear! I'm really so-" Explained Cole before he was interrupted by Ava.

"Save it Cole. Go get your stuff out from my apartment, and leave. For good!" Ava Said opening the door and pointing inside, she couldn't even look at him.

"Ava please I-"

"NOW!" Screamed Ava.

While Cole went to collect his stuff, Ava turned back around to Lexi and sighed.

"Ava, I'm sorry, I too had no idea about this." Clarified Lexi, rubbing Ava's shoulder.

"Nah, It's Okay. I was gonna breakup with him anyways." Replied Ava looking down.

"Well, I've got to go now. See you around Ava." Said Lexi, waving while walking away.

She left rather quickly, thats weird. Maybe she has to go somewhere thought Ava.

"I think that's all my stuff." Said Cole nervously, as he struggled to carry all the things in his arms.

"Just leave Cole, I don't want you here anymore." Exclaimed Ava, walking inside and slamming the door in Cole's face.

She locked the door, and slid down to the floor. Was that a little harsh? He kinda deserved though. Haven't I done enough? I mean, why be with someone who isn't there for you, when you've always had? Ava thought. Why be with someone who is trying to change who you are? I deserve to be happy. I Deserve Better. I should have realized this sooner.

Right on the spot, Ava broke down. She's been holding these tears for so long now, it was about time she let them out. Her eyes watered up, then several tears followed along. When each tear appeared, it slid all the way to her chin and merged with the others one after the other.

During her breakdown, her phone started to ring. Ava took her phone out from her pocket and walked over to the sofa, and sat down.

She looked to see who was calling her, it was Daniel! She quickly wiped her tears, cleared her throat and answered the phone.

"H-hello." Stuttered Ava.

"Ava? Are you ok?" Asked Daniel over the phone.

"Yeah, everything's fine." Lied Ava.

"Yeah, I'm not fully convinced. Your voice gives it away, it's trembling like crazy. Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Okay, okay. I've just experienced the worst breakup of my life that's probably gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. Life sucks at the moment if you ask me." Replied Ava, continuously sniffing. This was perhaps the worst day of her life, in fact the worst week of her life.

"I-I'm so sorry Ava, I was calling to see if you wanna hang but you probably need some alone time." Said Daniel.

"No, no you can come over to my place. I need a little cheering up actually."

"Are you sure? You don't need some time to recover?" Asked Daniel.

"It's totally fine, and we never actually hung out before so why not?"

"I mean, if you're ok with it, then I'm down. I'll be over at 3pm with some drinks and snacks, and maybe we can talk for a bit. Just one thing, where do you live?" Asked Daniel.


While Ava was going through every photo she had of her and Cole and deleting them, she came to a stop as the doorbell rang. She placed her phone the the kitchen counter and went over to answer the door.

She opened it, and saw the blue eyed boy. His smile big enough to show his adorable tooth gap, and was holding a lot of food.

"Hey, I brought the snacks." He said nearly dropping the load.

"Daniel, you really didn't have to bring all this! Who's gonna eat it all?" Chuckled Ava, as she widened to the door and helped carry some of the food.

"We are, silly! We literally have all day." Said Daniel, walking over to the sofa and dumping all the snacks onto it. He turned back around to Ava, then frowned.

"What's wrong?" Asked Ava with confusion.

"You poor thing. How long have you been crying? Your eyes are so red!" He said walking closer to Ava and giving her a hug.

"A good hour." Replied Ava over from his shoulder. "I've never cried this much before, it's really weird."

Daniel unlocked the hug, and the two sat down. "Go on, tell me what happened. I'm here to listen, let it all out."


"Wow, what a jerk he is. Thinking he could date the both of you? Honestly, i'm shocked!" Said Daniel.

"I know right, I still can't believe it." Said Ava, eating her second bag of Cheetos. "You sure you don't want any? I've eaten like two bags of these already." Asked Ava pointing the bag towards Daniel.

Daniel Laughed. "Nah I'm good, eat as much as you like."

"Okay then, your loss." Smiled Ava, who was all cheered up.

"So Ava, tell me something about yourself."

"Umm, let's see. I just turned nineteen years old, I have two siblings Jasmine and James who are twins, I'm from Florida and I'm half Irish. My favourite color is red. And yeah, there's some facts." Chuckled Ava.

"Wow, you live in LA and you come all the way from Florida and you're part Irish. That's so cool. Ok well, I'm nineteen too and I'll be turning twenty soon. I have two brothers called Christian and Tyler and a sister called Anna. I'm from Portland, Oregon. My favourite color is- " But before Daniel could finish, the doorbell rang. "Don't worry I'll get it." Said Daniel getting up.

Daniel opened the door, to see a familiar face. He then remembered where he had seen it before, and called Ava. "Ava! I think it's for you!" Shouted Daniel.

A/n: Hey Guys, i know its been nearly a week since the last chapter, and soz🙃🙃

Pls vote of you enjoyed it, and feel free to give me ur thoughts👍👍

LuV u AlL, bYe💗💗💗

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