✰༄ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟹

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༄ᴀ ʙᴀɴᴅ. ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴀɴᴅ.

*1 month later*

"Wow, lunch was great." Said Ava turning around and beggining to reverse the car.

"Yeah, we should do it again sometime. But I still can't believe you wouldn't let me pay." Intimated Daniel, clicking his seatbelt on.

"Well that's just my way of apologizing for spilling coffee on you, buying you some." Giggled Ava.

"You don't need to worry about that Ava, it happened almost two months ago and it was both our fault." He smiled. "So, where are we off to now?" Asked Daniel, adjusting his position and getting comfortable.

"How about we visit one of my best friends Olivia? I don't think you guys have met yet." Suggested Ava.

"Okay, sure." Answered Daniel, taking his phone from his pocket.

Ava stopped the car as there was traffic right ahead. "Ughhh, we won't escape this forever!" Whined Ava, as she leaned on her hand.

Daniel smirked and opened his camera roll. "Say cheese!!" *flash* *flash*. He opened up his photo gallery and checked out the pics he was just after taking and grinned. "Your so cute when you're annoyed Ava, look."

Ava turned around and looked at the photos Daniel took of her. "Uhh, no I do not. Delete them please!!" Squealed Ava covering her face.

"You know what?? Ima post these on my insta. My fan- , I mean my friends are probably wondering who I'm hanging with today." Smiled Daniel cautiously opening up his instagram. How did he forget to tell her that he's in a freakin band?? I'm sure I'll bring it up later, but not at the moment thought Daniel to himself.

"T-then post them a pic of youuu!!" Insisted Ava.

"Too late." Said Daniel. "Don't worry, you look great in the photo. I captioned it 'meet my new best friend'. And I won't tag you though, so it's ok."



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Soon, they arrived at Olivia's and were just about to ring the bell. *ding-dong* *ding-dong*.

In less than one minute, they heard footsteps coming towards them and the sound of the door unlocking.

"Omg, hey Ava!!" Smiled Olivia going in for a hug with Ava. "And who's this??"

"Oh, uh hi I'm Daniel. Daniel Seavey. Nice to meet you." He said shaking Olivia's hand and observing her. "I could be wrong, but I feel like I've met you before."

"Exactly!! But where??" Asked Olivia. "Oh yeahhh. It was at Stevens party like a month ago."

"Oh, I remember now." Said Daniel.

"Well, cmon follow me to the kitchen. You guys hungry??" Asked Olivia.

"No we're okay, we just ate." Answered Ava. As they walked to the kichen, they heard faint voices getting louder and louder.

"You guys, we've got more company." Said Olivia, as they entered the kitchen.

Jack and Jace were seated, and were just in the middle of a conversation. Ava was just as surprised as Daniel to see Jack Avery there.

"Hi Jace." Said Ava tightly hugging him.

"Hey Ava, longtime no see." Smiled Jace.

"Ava isn't it??" Asked Jack, turning around to face her.

"Yep," Said Ava giving Jack a tight hug. "And this is Da-"

Jack immediately stood up and smiled with delight. "DANIEL FREAKIN JAMES SEAVEYYY!!! What's good??" He asked, while him and Daniel did their handshake together.

Now Ava was twice as much confused. "You guys know eachother??" She asked.

"Dude, we're like the best of friends." Answered Jack.

"Yeah, almost like brothers." Stated Daniel.

"Wow, how did I not know this??" Said Ava.

"I'm so sorry Ava. I should've mentioned this before." Said Daniel slapping his face with his palm.

"It's okay. You don't need to introduce me the every single one of your friends." Smiled Ava.

"No it's not that." Said Daniel scratching his neck.

"What is it then??" Asked Ava.

"Well it's-, I'm in-, I'm part of a-"

"A BAND. WE'RE IN A BAND. See Dani?? Why is it so hard to say??" Interrupted Jack, nudging Daniel. "We're in it along with three other guys named Jonah Marais, Corbyn Besson and Zach Herron."

"Aren't they who you introduced me to at the party??" Asked Olivia from across the kitchen.

"Precisely!!" Answered Jack.

"So, what do you call yourselves??" Asked Jace.

"We're called 'Why Don't We' " Said Daniel.

"Doesn't that make u guys famous??" Asked Ava.

"Technically yes, but we prefer not to call ourselves that." Responded Jack.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner Ava, are you mad??" Asked Daniel wallking over to Ava.

"Why would I be?? This is so freakin cool, I never would've guessed!" Chuckled Ava, hugging Daniel's arm.

"You know what else would be cool?? A sleepover!! We could invite the rest of the guys over and we could all hang out. Cmon Olivia, pretty please, what'd ya say??" Asked jack running over to Olivia and practically begging.

"Sure why not?? But first, get up off of the floor Jack" Said Olivia as they all laughed.

A/n: Hey guys, I hope u enjoyed this chapter (personally I think this is my fave chapter so far XD ) and pls vote if u did<3 Please, feel free to tell me what you think. Also, I do not own the photo of the girl above, I literally just searched up 'a girl in a car' and this one seemed most fitting, lol😂 Ladies and Gentlemen, Tysm for reading and have a good day *bows after speech* LuV u AlL, bYe💙💙💙

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