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The time went by faster than I thought. It was already Friday, and classes ended minutes ago.

The halls were immediately filled with students. Everyone was separated by groups, or as individuals. The halls were crowded with students that it took me a while to reach my locker and breath normally again.

I opened my locker and left the text books I didn't need for next week.

Today was a happy day for me. First, three of our six teachers were absent today, and the three present teachers were the ones handling my favorite subjects. Second, it's Friday, which meant I can finally relax.

Me and my friends are also going to spend the rest of the day together.

I closed my locker then locked it. I smiled as I walked around the hall, waiting for my friends.

My smile disappeared when I saw Xavier and Emma walking together side by side. Emma was clutching onto Xavier's jacket and his arm was around her shoulder.

A pang of jealousy hit my chest. I would've stood there for the entire time if Erine didn't pull me away from the scene.

"Alliah! What are you doing just standing there? Lets go!" Erine grabbed my hand and pulled me towards our other friends.

Together, the four of us left the school. And now we were just standing outside the coffee shop adjacent to our school, talking about our plans for the weekend.

"Should we have a sleepover at my house? We could watch a couple of movies, and play games. My mom wouldn't mind." Said Erine

The rest of us nodded in agreement.

"That sounds nice!" Lyza suppressed a smile.

"So, lets go?"

"Yeah, this is going to be a fun night." Erine said happily.


"Truth, or Dare?" Erine asked Lyza.

"Truth." Lyza shrugged

Erine told Lyza to clasp her hands together. But Lyza wouldn't do it and started complaining.

"You know it's useless right? It doesn't even hurt!" Lyza argued.

"It does work, it makes people answer faster. If you don't want to follow the rules, I suggest you make your own or not play with us." Erine shot back.

Oh boy, there they go again.

Bailee and I just sat there, watching the two bicker like Tom and Jerry all over again.

We were supposed to be used to this as they often fight.

"Guys! Stop it already. Lyza, just deal with the rules, like it or not. Erine please don't start a fight with Lyza." Bailee said, frustrated.

"She started it!" Erine pointed at Lyza.

Bailee faced palmed.

"Oh my god, you two, please, just shut up, and get this over with." I whined


After a few more rounds of truth or dare, we finally moved on to the movie marathon. We picked out The Nun for the movie we'll be watching tonight. Only Lyza was against that idea as she easily gets scared and despises horror movies.

Erine was preparing the movie when her mom came down to the living room and asked about Xavier.

"Erine, where's your brother?"

In The End, It's Us Where stories live. Discover now