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I suddenly heard something that sounded like someone sobbing coming from somewhere in my area.

I scanned my surroundings, trying to detect where the sobbing might be coming from. I went right without thinking twice. Then the sounds became louder and more audible as I kept on walking towards that direction slowly.

Then I saw a boy, sitting on the rocks. He was throwing pebbles into the lake as he cried.

I walked towards the boy and tapped on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, um, are you okay?"

The boy wiped his nose and then faced me.

My eyes widened, then I let out a gasp.

"What happened to you?!!"

Bailee's POV

I went in the living room to check on Alliah if she's awake.

I was thinking that we'd go eat breakfast together at the café that just opened recently down the street. But unfortunately, she was still sleeping. Erine and Lyza declined my offer to eat breakfast with me, so I guess that I'll be eating breakast by myself.

I grabbed my coat from one of the bean bags and left Erine's house.

I walked on the busy streets with hands in my coat pocket, an ear phone plugged in my ear, and the chilly air blowing through my hair. 

I arrived at the café with the chimes announcing my arrival. The relaxing smell of coffee and instrumental music welcoming my presence.

I ordered two Turkey sandwiches and a Vanilla-Peppermint Latte for me and Alliah to share. I sat at the round table and waited for my name to be called.

I heard the chimes again. Another customer.

I was scrolling through my Instagram when I heard two people talking which made me stop and listen.

"Don't touch me!! Someone who knows us might see, especially him. He cannot know!" Emma hissed at the guy, which I assume was Peter Maxwell, the ace of our school's football team.

Peter let go of his arm that was around Emma's waist.

A series of emotions washed over me as I watched the two together.

Why are they together? Does Xavier know about this? What is Peter's relationship with Emma?

Emma averted her eyes around the place. Looking out for people who goes to our school. Then when she was about to look at me, I immediately looked away and bended down to my shoes, pretending that I'm tying my shoe laces.

"Hurry up before someone sees us!" Emma whisper shouted to Peter.

"Geez okay! Don't be so cranky, it's as if you're in the time of the month." Peter raises his hands up and chuckles.

"I'm not joking, Peter." Emma said sternly. "If any one finds out— just, stay outside and wait for me." Emma pushes the door open and shoves Peter outside.

"Order for Bailee!"

I instantly stood up then went to the counter.

"Wait! I'll have it for take out instead." I told the lady behind the counter.

One minute later, the lady handed me the orders in a paper bag. I grabbed the take out from the lady and said my thank you.

I ran for the door, not wanting to get into any interaction with Emma. Unfortunately, I bumped into her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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