Eh, je suppose que je peux le faire mdr

23 2 7

Eh, I think that I can do it lol

The French way of saying lol is mdr, meaning mort de rire, meaning death from laughter.

It's almost midnight and I'm kind of in bed listening to some billie eyelash.
I find her overrated as heck and a lot of people use this as an excuse to hate on her, but like my dudes, it's about the music not the reputation. Chill. Is she the bad guy or is it you.

I don't know why but this gives me the kind of inspiration to write.

I'm kind of happy with myself really. I am able to write new chapters for my current book and I'm ending up having to get these inspirational motivational sensations to just write whatever the hEcc.

Excpect another chapter from Organs, but with Pasta. I'm glad to know that I'm updating it from time to time. And I am happy to see where the story is headed.

what is this feelings wow

I used to dread imagining the process and action to actually write, like thinking of what to write is the wash part, but now I can just. Write whenever.

My writer's block's wig must be sliding through multiple dementions now at this point.

Still having low expectations on the thing, but all I can promise is that it could have the potential to be something. Eh idk.

hopefully i can do it- making it to the Wattys though i am thinking of dropping the idea and work in my own pace

I also like to think of my books to be 'summer boredom material'

like when you're in a holiday home, sunny outside, fans everywhere and most of all there's no internet. I like to think of my books to be read during those times like when you want to read them for entertainment when surrounded by a nice scenery. props to you if you can survive without internet. a lot of people happen to be Extra and scream and shout until they get their way. pe-yupple dese day-yas ah sway-ah.

but it's summer. even though it's cold here even in june and i wore a coat today outside. I WORE A COAT TODAY IN JUNE WHY IS IT COLD.

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